R. L. Dane · @RL_Dane
1475 followers · 25784 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Saluton, Esperantistoj!! Mi skribas en Esperanto hodiaĆ­!

#esperanto #esperantist #esperantisto

Last updated 1 year ago

R. L. Dane · @RL_Dane
1432 followers · 24759 posts · Server fosstodon.org
Del Carmen · @rdelcarmen
8 followers · 60 posts · Server universeodon.com

Can someone who speaks Esperanto answer this question? I'm starting to learn via Duolingo and I noticed that proper nouns change. For example, Adam becomes Adamo. How important is it to change proper names? Shouldn't they stay the same? I understand the change when it comes to cities or countries, but why change a person's name? Is there any Esperanto speaker who breaks this rule? Please let me know!

#esperanto #esperantist #esperantujo

Last updated 2 years ago