Having a few network hickups but we are currently hosting an #ESPFSeminar by @bryce_bolin on:
“Observing active small bodies with HST and JWST: an examination of the feline-like, cometary byproducts of the planetary formation process”
fb live & recording
#ESPFSeminar NOW by Stefano Bellotti (IRAP/ESA): Is AD Leo featuring a polarity reversal of the large-scale magnetic field? Long-term monitoring across near-infrared and optical domains with SPIRou, ESPaDOnS and NARVAL.
Livestream: https://www.facebook.com/STScILiveScienceEvents
And we have yet another #stsci #ESPFSeminar NOW:
Automated Search for #Exocomet Transits in HARPS
by Raphael Bendahan-West (@WarwickAstro)
Live! https://www.facebook.com/STScILiveScienceEvents
Recording (later) https://sites.google.com/site/starandplanetformationseries/recordings
@stsci @spacetelescope
Other two @stsci #ESPFSeminar:
Angelos Tsiaras (@inaf_arcetri): From HST to JWST - New tools to analyse exoplanet spectroscopic observations from space
Billy Edwards (@ucl): Population Studies of Exoplanet Atmospheres with HST WFC3
fb live at 3pm ET: https://facebook.com/STScILiveScienceEvents
Today's 1st @stsci #ESPFSeminar: Mathilde Mâlin (@Obs_Paris) will present (30 min + questions):
Observations and characterization of young giant exoplanets with JWST/MIRI
fb live at 10am Eastern: https://facebook.com/STScILiveScienceEvents
Check our schedule, recordings https://sites.google.com/site/starandplanetformationseries/
Today's @stsci #ESPFSeminar: @jkcalahan from @michiganastro presented:
"Characterizing Protoplanetary Disks Using ALMA and 2D Thermo-chemical models"
Host: @pontoppi
Recording: https://fb.watch/he46p6DeoQ/
Want to be a speaker? https://sites.google.com/site/starandplanetformationseries/