We want to wish the entire #ESPNIC Community a magical and wonderful New Year✨
May 2023 be the best year for all of you and stay tuned for all of the news, events, & much more coming soon.
Greetings and enjoy these holidays💙
#YoungESPNIC #ESPNICNurses #PedsICU #neoTwitter #ESPNIC2023
#espnic #youngespnic #espnicnurses #PedsICU #NeoTwitter #espnic2023
Reasons to submit at #ESPNIC2023 until 17th January 2023👇🏻
✔ Gain exposure for your work.
✔ Get constructive feedback & innovative ideas.
✔ Expand your network.
✔ Contribute to the future of paediatric & neonatal medicine.
And much more 💃🏻
Also, apply for the #ESPNIC Young Investigator Award or Nursing Award🤩 #YoungESPNIC #ESPNICNurses
#espnic2023 #espnic #youngespnic #espnicnurses
#ESPNIC2023 is coming!!! 👏🏻
Get ready to...
👉🏻and live the Xcellence in every detail we've taken Xtra Care of.
#PedsICU #neoTwitter #NICU #ESPNICNurses #YoungESPNIC
Submit your abstract by 17th January🗓️
Take an active part!
Make an impact!
#espnic2023 #PedsICU #NeoTwitter #nicu #espnicnurses #youngespnic