So that will break access to #espurna #openbeken and other http only local devices? #iot
Smart Home ohne Cloud | c’t uplink 46.5
Viele Smart-Home-Produkte setzen auf Cloud-Dienste. Wie man sich dank Open Source von fernen Servern unabhängig macht, darüber sprechen wir in c’t uplink.
#ESP8266 #ESPEasy #MQTT #Matter #SmartHome #Tasmota #Thread #Uplink #WLED #ZigBee #ctuplink #espurna
#esp8266 #espeasy #mqtt #matter #smarthome #tasmota #thread #uplink #wled #zigbee #ctuplink #espurna
I'm modifying #Espurna 'light' module in order to better integrate with #Homeassistant!
A couple of hours ago, I git clone the last version of #Espurna and flash into my RGB Light bulb.
The integration with #homeassistant works but is not complete : you cannot select the color of the light.
I refresh the bitbucket page now and see that Xose Pérez released the version 1.8.0 just now!!
I rebuilt this version, update the firmware with OTA aaaaaaaand... The color switch works from home-assistant!
Good job, Xose Pérez!
Today, I flashed one of my #ESP8266 based RGB light bulb with #Espurna. It's working fine and it's integrated with #homeassistant! https://mastodon.codingfield.com/media/EgZ6Wz2OVilbmgAJeJ0 https://mastodon.codingfield.com/media/7ik4Tghi0DzaG5iAHWk
#homeassistant #espurna #esp8266