new housesit, new bookpile! #MulkRajAnand #Untouchable, Portlander #LidiaYuknavich, old favs #Kenko #EssaysInIdleness & #Chomei's #Hojoki, @Ben_Aaronovitch's #MidnightRiot (#RiversOfLondon), #JuneJordan, @avantgame's #Imaginable, #Bachelard's #PoeticsOfSpace etc.
#mulkrajanand #untouchable #lidiayuknavich #kenko #essaysinidleness #chomei #hojoki #midnightriot #riversoflondon #junejordan #imaginable #bachelard #poeticsofspace #shelfie
Jesica Au's beautiful novel Cold Enough for Snow about a woman going to Japan with her mother has won the Victorian Premier's Literary Award. (Shown here with some of my old favourites of Japanese Literature.)
[ID: Pale green and dark green book with white text Jessica Au Cold Enough for Snow on stack of books against pale green wall.]
#jessicaau #coldenoughforsnow #ozlit #australiannovels #writingawards #writingcommunity #bookstadon #essaysinidleness #anthologyofjapanesliterature #asicrossedabridgeofdreams