#radio3 #EssentialClassics Listening to Jerusalem being played on BBC Radio 3, and almost cried with love, patriotism, and sheer hatred at what 13 years of Tory government has done to this once wonderful country.
This also:
Jean Cras
L'offrande Lyrique; 3. Si le jour est passe
#jeancras #RabindranathTagore #song #BBCRadio3 #essentialclassics
No 'Just Played' Bot for BBC Radio 3 Essential Classics this morning but this caught my ear
Madeleine Dring
#EssentialClassics #BBCRadio3
#Piano #ClassicalMusic
#piano #classicalmusic #essentialclassics #BBCRadio3 #madeleinedring
This is just lovely. Is there a pianist on here that wants to play it with me?
Also - Minna Keal - what an inspiring life story!
BBC3MusicBot@mastodonapp.uk - 🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
Minna Keal, Alexander Baillie & Martina Baillie:
 🎵 Ballade for cello and piano
#nowplaying #essentialclassics #minnakeal #alexanderbaillie #martinabaillie
Listening to this earlier, it reminded me of a #Bellowhead track, which one is it?
BBC3MusicBot@mastodonapp.uk - 🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
anon, Le Concert des Nations & Jordi Savall:
 🎵 Bouree d'Avignonez
#bellowhead #nowplaying #essentialclassics #anon #leconcertdesnations #jordisavall