Why? I'm interested in the internet
Like is the Internet still usable at that level and scale? What can we do? What can't we do? How to make the internet again viable using those or even lesser tools?
What's missing? What are alternatives? What could be added? Needs to be?
#Email, #UseNet, #IRC, #xmpp, #web, #gopher, ...
#SSH, #Emacs, #NeoMutt, #Lynx, #Links, ...
#Text, #HTML, #LaTeX, #SVG, #PNG, #PDF, ...
#FrugalComputing #LowTech #SimpleWeb #EssentialNet #InterNet
#email #usenet #irc #xmpp #web #gopher #ssh #emacs #neomutt #lynx #links #text #html #latex #svg #png #pdf #frugalcomputing #lowtech #simpleweb #essentialnet #internet