M5AKA's report of #Newcomers survey by #EssexHam is depressing. Just read this.
@stonehenge hello…so just before Christmas I took the #EssexHam elementary ham radio course and got on with it reasonably well, my question to you sir would be: “Should I apply for the exam and what can I look forward to should I pass it (apart from being able to press the PTT button finally)?”
This is how I got into the hobby back when I first started. #EssexHam https://www.essexham.co.uk/train/foundation-online/
Just listen to #EssexHam 2m activity day on my RTL-SDR using the cheap dipole that comes with it. Got better reception on it than my Yeasu FT3D with stock rubber duck. Swapped to the dipole on the FT3D and reception greatly improved. Guess I need a new antenna for my handheld…