italymystery · @italymysteryswanqueen
48 followers · 326 posts · Server

Emma: Ta da!
Regina: Looks great.
Emma: Since it's my turn to make breakfast, I decided to experiment with north Europe one. You just sit back, relax and eat.
Regina: Thanks my darling.

#SwanQueen #LanaParrilla #ReginaMills #JenniferMorrison #EmmaSwan #establishedrelationship

Last updated 2 years ago

Chicken :cqlgusu: · @lookitmychicken
366 followers · 2488 posts · Server

✍️ fic by

🍯 /
🍯 5k, Explicit
🍯 WWX can't sleep
🍯 His restlessness disturbs his husband
🍯 Lovely soft sleepy messing about
🍯 LWJ might be half-asleep but he still takes responsibility


#tagteamme #modaozushi #mdzs #lanwangji #weiwuxian #FicRec #mdzsficrec #wangxianficrec #wangxian #postcanon #sleepysex #establishedrelationship #nsfw #pwp

Last updated 2 years ago

Chicken :cqlgusu: · @lookitmychicken
366 followers · 2487 posts · Server

live like common people
✍️ fic by

🧰 /
🧰 6k, rated Teen
🧰 Good handy bf WWX rescues helpless incompetent LWJ from home maintenance tasks
🧰 LWJ flutters around prettily


#gusuvibes #theuntamed #modaozushi #lanwangji #weiwuxian #FicRec #mdzsficrec #mdzs #wangxianficrec #wangxian #ModernAU #establishedrelationship #fluff

Last updated 2 years ago

Chicken :cqlgusu: · @lookitmychicken
366 followers · 2446 posts · Server

Jeeves and the Sporting Spirit
✍️ fic by

🎽 /
🎽 10k, rated General
🎽 Bertie encourages a new recruit to compete in the Drones Club Olympics
🎽 There are misunderstandings
🎽 Everyone except Bertie thinks that Bertie is cheating on Jeeves with the new chap Reggie


#someitems #jeevesandwooster #reginaldjeeves #bertramwooster #FicRec #jeevesficrec #Jeeves #canoncompliant #misunderstandings #establishedrelationship

Last updated 2 years ago

Chicken :cqlgusu: · @lookitmychicken
355 followers · 2360 posts · Server

wild for your skin
✍️ fic by

😒 /
😒 3k, Explicit
😒 WWX's new body is physically no match for LWJ in strength
😒 He mentions this while they are fucking
😒 LWJ gives him a practical demonstration
😒 They're both freaks & it's hot as hell


#phnelt #modaozushi #theuntamed #lanwangji #weiwuxian #FicRec #mdzsficrec #mdzs #wangxianficrec #wangxian #nsfw #domsub #consensualnonconsent #undernegotiatedkink #sextears #postcanon #establishedrelationship #pwp

Last updated 2 years ago

A Game of Chance
✍️ fic by

🎲 /
🎲 6k, Explicit
🎲 At his bachelorette party, Granny Wen gives WY sex dice
🎲 So they can keep their marriage interesting!
🎲 The sex dice are so tame
🎲 But our heroes have fun


#thievinghippo #modaozushi #theuntamed #lanwangji #weiwuxian #decrecs #FicRec #mdzsficrec #mdzs #wangxianficrec #wangxian #nsfw #ModernAU #establishedrelationship

Last updated 2 years ago

transfer my tragedy
✍️ fic by

🎲 /
🎲 8k, Explicit
🎲 HC finds XL covered in blood without any clear memory of why
🎲 XL cannot stand it when people threaten his husband


#nobirdstofly #TianGuanCiFu #huacheng #XieLian #decrecs #FicRec #tgcfficrec #tgcf #hualianficrec #HuaLian #nsfw #postcanon #canontypicalviolence #establishedrelationship #memoryLoss

Last updated 2 years ago

Worship in the Bedroom
✍️ fic by

✊ Wang Yibo / XiaoZhan
✊ 4k, Explicit
✊ WYB is in a bad mood and doesn't know how to handle his feelings
✊ XZ normally cries it out when he has a bad day
✊ WYB says he doesn't cry
✊ He asks to be distracted instead


#vesna #yizhan #RPF #decrecs #FicRec #yizhanficrec #nsfw #establishedrelationship #canoncompliant #fisting

Last updated 2 years ago

Blorbo Haver · @admin
156 followers · 819 posts · Server

grave goods
✍️ fic by

⚰️ /
⚰️ 29k, Explicit
⚰️ Mortician WY & world's best boyfriend LZ
⚰️ Death, grief, love, messy family feelings
⚰️ Healing of all kinds, including sexual


#luckymarrow #theuntamed #mdzs #lanwangji #weiwuxian #decrecs #FicRec #mdzsficrec #wangxianficrec #wangxian #nsfw #ModernAU #angstwithahappyending #adoption #establishedrelationship

Last updated 2 years ago

bend me back, send me flying
✍️ fic by

😍 /
😍 9k, Explicit
😍 Soon after getting together, they get frisky at an inn
😍 Unusual beverages may be involved
😍 LZ wants to try something new
😍 WY gets thoroughly debauched


#occultings #mdzs #lanwangji #weiwuxian #decrecs #FicRec #mdzsficrec #wangxianficrec #wangxian #nsfw #aphrodisiacs #postcanon #establishedrelationship #kinkexploration #marathonsex

Last updated 2 years ago

Safely Ashore
✍️ fic by

🍦 /
🍦 4k, Explicit
🍦 The Chief Cultivator has had a trying day
🍦 WY is tired but he wants LZ to take what he needs
🍦 LZ needs some coaxing to accept the comfort he's being offered


#jo_lasalle #theuntamed #lanwangji #weiwuxian #decrecs #FicRec #mdzsficrec #wangxianficrec #wangxian #nsfw #postcanon #establishedrelationship #comfortsex

Last updated 2 years ago

Jeeves and the Indelicate Indecency
✍️ fic by triedunture

🚨 /
🚨 11k, Explicit
🚨 They've been lovers for a few months but it's been tame
🚨 Then Bertie scratches Jeeves up and Jeeves goes wild for it


#jeevesandwooster #reginaldjeeves #bertramwooster #decrecs #FicRec #jeevesficrec #joosterficrec #jooster #bdsm #establishedrelationship #canoncompliant #mindfuck #bondage

Last updated 2 years ago

my skin can barely keep me in
✍️ fic by

πŸ› Wang Yibo / Xiao Zhan
πŸ› 2k, Explicit
πŸ› Tired wyb works so much
πŸ› Xz welcomes him home with a bath and a massage
πŸ› Sweet, tender, very much needed


#jalpari #yizhan #RPF #decrecs #FicRec #yizhanficrec #canoncompliant #bodyworship #establishedrelationship

Last updated 2 years ago

for your eyes only
✍️ fic series by

πŸ“· Wang Yibo / Xiao Zhan
πŸ“· 11k, Explicit
πŸ“· Yibo wants sexy pics of his boyfriend on his motorbike
πŸ“· XZ delivers
πŸ“· Roleplay motorcycle sex ensues
πŸ“· Another time, XZ photographs Yibo in lingerie & rope


#spoonful_of_sugar #yizhan #RPF #decrecs #FicRec #yizhanficrec #establishedrelationship #canoncompliant

Last updated 2 years ago