"Imprisoning people on Bibby Stockholm will not improve your life in any way. If anything, life will get worse because when you give the government the green light to be cruel to others, you give them the green light to be cruel to you." https://councilestatemedia.substack.com/p/the-government-is-putting-refugees?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email #BibbyStockholm #PrisonShip #PrisonBarge #ToryPolicy #ToryScum #LabourScum #EstablishmentScum #RefugeesWelcome #RefugeesAreWelcomeHere #Solidarity #SolidarityWithRefugees #CouncilEstateMedia
#bibbystockholm #prisonship #prisonbarge #torypolicy #toryscum #labourscum #establishmentscum #refugeeswelcome #refugeesarewelcomehere #solidarity #solidaritywithrefugees #councilestatemedia
The establishment has declared class war. Whichever party you side with, you're siding with your enemy - Starmer used to put a £2,000-a-week chauffeur on expenses while he was head of the CPS and Sunak uses helicopters like taxis to get to and from work, at a cost of £16,000 to the tax payer. https://councilestatemedia.substack.com/p/the-establishment-has-declared-class?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email #StarmerIsToryScum #SunakIsToryScum #EstablishmentScum #LabourPartyMyArse #LabourParty #ToryParty #ClassWar #EatTheRich
#starmeristoryscum #sunakistoryscum #establishmentscum #labourpartymyarse #labourparty #toryparty #classwar #eattherich