Don't forget to include your #web3 assets in your estate planning.
I spoke on this very topic last week at NYU at an event created by @nysba.
#EstatePlanning #estatetax #digitalassets #cryptocurency #defi #NFT #btc #eth #opensea #nyc #trusts #probate #coldwallet #hotwallet
#web3 #EstatePlanning #estatetax #digitalassets #cryptocurency #defi #NFT #btc #eth #opensea #nyc #trusts #probate #coldwallet #hotwallet
Republicans File to Repeal a Tax That Only Affects the Richest 0.1 Percent
Argentine Tax Authority AFIP Detects Irregularities in 184 Digital Wallet Tax Statements - The Argentine tax authority (AFIP) is increasing its scrutiny when it comes to dig... - #argentinetaxauthority #cryptocurrency #digitalwallets #argentina #estatetax #taxes #afip #data #u.s. #p2p #tax
#tax #p2p #u #data #afip #taxes #estatetax #argentina #digitalwallets #cryptocurrency #argentinetaxauthority
Updated 2023 eBook
The 9th Edition of Thinking Beyond Tomorrow: Organizing, Planning, & Settling Your Estate by Attorney Paul Premack is now available as an eBook. The 9th edition is packed with current legal information and planning strategies for your estate. It will answer your questions and help you prepare for updating or making your own #estateplan.
For information and details, visit
#eBook #estateplanning #probate #texaslaw #estatetax #medicaid
#estateplan #ebook #estateplanning #probate #texaslaw #estatetax #medicaid
I am excited to announce the 2nd edition of “Federal Taxes on Gratuitous Transfers," available Spring 2023 through Aspen.
This Estate & Gift Tax casebook was a labor of (tax) love for all of the co-authors. It is affordable, with valuable support materials for any instructor adopting the book. Please DM me if you would like more information.
#fediverse #law #lawprof #taxlaw #tax #estatetax #gifttax #estateplan #lawyers
#lawyers #estateplan #gifttax #estatetax #tax #Taxlaw #lawprof #law #Fediverse #FirstGen
The 2026 Trump Tax Rollback
You have a large #estatetax and/or #gifttax exclusion amount to use by gifting or by dying. In 2026 the exclusion will be reduced. Should you use it now? Part 2 of a 3-part Series
does anyone know off hand about any research on the revenue maximising inheritance / estate tax rate? or have any ideas about what rough ballpark we'd be talking about?
#LitReview #InheritanceTax #EstateTax
#litreview #inheritancetax #estatetax