Introducing our new #ESTSeditorship #ManagingEditor @anotherwindle has a PhD in #designSTS + researches #digital #design of online technologies w/ interests in #disaster #trauma, #disability, & #editorial matters. Windle is author of #CompanionofFeminisms
#estseditorship #managingeditor #designsts #digital #design #disaster #trauma #disability #editorial #companionoffeminisms
Introducing our new #ESTSeditorship #EditorInChief @adkhandekar @aalok is assistant professor of Anthropology/Sociology, Indian Institute of Technology, lead curator of STS Across Borders, Innovating STS exhibits @4sWeb, founding member #TransnationalSTS + #TransAsiaSTS networks
#estseditorship #editorinchief #transnationalsts #transasiasts
Introducing our new #ESTSeditorship #AssociateEditor @Sujatha__Raman is associate professor and director of research @ANU_CPAS. Trained in STS with research focus in #scicomm #innovation for #public good. Co-editor, Science & the Politics of Openness #RRI

#estseditorship #associateeditor #scicomm #innovation #public #rri
Introducing our new #ESTSeditorship #AssociateEditor @otsuki3c is lecturer in cultural anthropology Victoria Uni, Wellington. Previously, asst prof of #anthro, Uni of Tsukuba. Research focus: #interfaces #cybernetics #postcolonialanthropology #translation, #ethics #Japan
#estseditorship #associateeditor #anthro #interfaces #cybernetics #postcolonialanthropology #translation #ethics #japan
Introducing our new #ESTSeditorship #AssociateEditor @alikenner is assc. prof., Dept of Politics & Center for STS, Drexel Uni. Current research: energy justice in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic, & tensions betw. #sustainable transitions & #energy vulnerability. Author #Breathtaking
#estseditorship #associateeditor #sustainable #energy #breathtaking
Introducing our new #ESTSeditorship #AssociateEditor
asst prof Urbanization & Env. Problems in the Dept of Political Science & Public Admin, İzmir Katip Çelebi Uni Turkey. Research focus #democratization of science #transnational #disasters #toxicity #governance
#estseditorship #associateeditor #democratization #transnational #disasters #toxicity #governance
Introducing our new #ESTSeditorship #AssociateEditor Emily York is assistant prof. in the School of Integrated Sciences at James Madison Uni, Virginia. Integrating STS research & teaching into STEM spaces is key. Research focus: #STSpedagogy Founder/co-director #STSFuturesLab
#estseditorship #associateeditor #stspedagogy #stsfutureslab