I'm attending #tennocon2023 right now and also laying in bed napping because #eternalism
#tennocon2023 #tennocon #eternalism #warframe
2023: book twenty-six. #maximalism #eternalism #jerusalem #alanmoore #nirthampton #2023books #noxp #fiction #bookstoron
#maximalism #eternalism #jerusalem #alanmoore #nirthampton #2023books #noxp #fiction #bookstoron
History of the Universe
Is Time Travel Possible?
#HistoryOfTheUniverse #autoinfanticideParadox #blockUniverse #bootstrapParadox #chronologyProtectionConjecture #eternalism #manyWorlds #noRealCatsHarmedForThisVideo #OhMyGodParticle #predestinationParadox #quantumImmortality #relativisticTimeDilation #restaurationParadox #spaceTime #supermassiveBlackHole #timeLoop #timeTravel #worldLine
2¢: ... out of tags error ... beeeeep!
#historyoftheuniverse #autoinfanticideparadox #blockuniverse #bootstrapparadox #chronologyprotectionconjecture #eternalism #manyworlds #norealcatsharmedforthisvideo #ohmygodparticle #predestinationparadox #quantumimmortality #relativistictimedilation #restaurationparadox #spacetime #supermassiveblackhole #timeloop #timetravel #worldline
"Eternalism and choosing the futures": Our actions determine our reality, and free will exists, even in an eternal universe in which all the possible time-space realities “already” “exist.” The question is which futures will we join.
#philosophy #eternalism
"Eternalism and choosing the futures": Our actions determine our reality, and free will exists, even in an eternal universe in which all the possible time-space realities “already” “exist.” The question is which futures will we join.
#philosophy #eternalism
What Is #Time ? - #Professor #SeanCarroll Explains #Presentism and #Eternalism
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #PhilosophyOfPhysics #Science #Physics #Cosmology #SpaceTime #Entropy #Memory #BlockUniverse #TheBlockUniverse #GeneralRelativity #Relativity #QM #QuantumMechanics #QuantumPhysics
#quantumphysics #quantummechanics #qm #relativity #generalrelativity #TheBlockUniverse #BlockUniverse #memory #entropy #spacetime #cosmology #physics #science #philosophyofphysics #philosophyofscience #philosophy #eternalism #Presentism #seancarroll #professor #time