#RPGaDay2023, Tag 25
"Unplayed RPG you own"
Äh, zu viele? Aber mal abgesehen von meinen Neuanschaffungen dieses Jahr steht vor allem #Kuro schon ewig hier herum. Habs damals komplett mit der Kampagne "Makkura" gekauft und warte darauf, es endlich mal mit einer Gruppe angehen zu können. überhaupt sinds vor allem Kampagnen, die noch ungespielt sind. #EternalLies z.B., DIE Kampagne für #TrailOfCthulhu. Oder wie schon mehrfach erwähnt #LightOfXaryxis für DnD.
#rpgaday2023 #kuro #eternallies #TrailOfCthulhu #lightofxaryxis
Another session of #EternalLies tonight went well once I escaped the rain. We've arrived in Malta and are trying to find a way into the plot with just a name to work from. My characters drank to much and got a bit drunk scoping out the local bars.
Hat tip to Rich for GMing, and to my fellow players Nigel and @TheTweedmeister.
Hmm. Set up to play #TrailofCthulhu in the garden and it starts to rain… Looks like it's #EternalLies inside tonight.
Our characters returned home to Boston and New York to face the fall out with their family and friends from being away for so long in Mexico and LA. Cosmic horror last week, and dealing with the stresses of relationships this week.
Great game as ever from Richard. Lovely to see Nigel back and as ever, great to play with @TheTweedmeister.
Playing #eternallies for @pelgranepress’s #trailofcthulhu #gumshoe #ttrpg
#eternallies #trailofcthulhu #gumshoe #ttrpg
In tonight’s session of #EternalLies for @pelgranepress' #TrailofCthulhu #ttrpg, we finished the exploration of a corrupted Mayan temple, meeting with a god. My character also lost 11 points of stability (having previously never had a big loss) and a pillar of sanity as we cut a bargain which could save the world, a bargain that my character is terrified will go wrong. Hat tip to Rich and @TheTweedmeister for a great session.
#eternallies #trailofcthulhu #ttrpg
Tensions rise as we’re deep in the jungle in the Yucatan in #EternalLies for @pelgranepress’s #TrailofCthulhu #ttrpg, especially when we realised there is no safe space to recover stability. Thanks to Rich for running and @TheTweedmeister for his character being the yin to my character’s yang. Hoping Nigel makes a quick recovery and rejoins soon.
Hat tip to @jamesthomson for the excellent dice app.
#eternallies #trailofcthulhu #ttrpg
Tonight was a return to @pelgranepress’s #EternalLies as @TheTweedmeister and I headed into the Yucatan Peninsular to try and prevent the use of a fabled mythos site. I fear that it will go badly! Nicely run by Rich, I decided to do the game outside as I’d been in Teams calls most of the day.
Played tonight’s game of #EternalLies in the garden. The cat was impressed. One of those #Gumshoe #ttrpg sessions when we leaned on character interaction and investigative abilities so no dice were rolled. Sadly, it’ll be a month before all our diaries align again. Hat tip to @TheTweedmeister who’s te only other player on here.
Another session of @pelgranepress and @Mytholder’s #EternalLies for the Trail of Cthulhu #ttrpg tonight. A partial win, but only by a thread as two of our investigators are mauled. We're in well out our depth. Thanks to Rich for running and Nigel for being our new, third, player with his Mexican PI. Hat tip as ever for @TheTweedmeister's US antiquarian.
No #VTT tonight, just Zoom, and @jamesthomson's excellent Dice app.
Tonight saw a return to @pelgranepress’s excellent #EternalLies campaign for the #TrailofCthulhu #ttrpg. We found ourselves back in Mexico City after a long hiatus in playing. Rich ran a great session, full of creeping menace and @TheTweedmeister & I managed to have our characters convinced to team up with a Mexican PI. We’re trying to shield Nigel’s new character from the horrors we’ve discovered but I fear we will fail!
As a bonus, the iPad worked well over the Travelodge WiFi.
#eternallies #trailofcthulhu #ttrpg
Another session of Trail of Cthulhu, Eternal Lies, finished.
#Pelgrane #TrailofCthulhu #EternalLies
#eternallies #TrailofCthulhu #pelgrane