You can cling to your life in the flesh and lose out on eternal life. Or you can surrender to the Lordship of Jesus and gain eternal life. #EternalLife #LordshipofJesus
Happy anniversary to Jeff Buckley's masterpiece, 'Grace'. Released this week in 1994. #jeffbuckley #jeffbuckleygrace #icon #grace #lastgoodbye #soreal #eternallife #forgether #hallelujah
#JeffBuckley #jeffbuckleygrace #icon #grace #lastgoodbye #soreal #eternallife #forgether #hallelujah
"Muggles may believe their technology surpasses magic, but they could never achieve the immortality I've attained. #EternalLife #NoMuggleTechCanCompete ☠️🐍"
#eternallife #nomuggletechcancompete
Eternal life is more that duration or quality of life. It is a person, Jesus. And all who are in Christ will experience his eternal life. #EternalLife
We have a great hope in Christ that nothing in this world can compare with. So hold unswervingly to that hope. Let nothing move you from it. #EternalLife #Hope #Salvation
#JamesTabor - Imagining #Immortality and #EternalLife
#Philosophy #Religion #PhilosophyOfReligion #Death #Life #Afterlife #Prayer #HistoryOfReligion #Resurrection #Metamorphosis #Paul #StPaul #SaintPaul #Heaven #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #heaven #saintpaul #stpaul #paul #metamorphosis #resurrection #historyofreligion #prayer #afterlife #life #death #philosophyofreligion #religion #philosophy #eternallife #immortality #jamestabor
We may collect much in this life, and accomplish great things. But it is all temporary. We should focus instead on what will last. #EternalLife #Possessions
Elena is going to leave soon.
Mira is sad about that.
#death #mountain #darkness #impliedsuicide #suicide #depression #implieddepression #eternallife #valley #happiness #friends #friendship #asexual
She Speaks of Death
Barbara Pescan
Oblivion, she said
in a weary voice,
is what is after death.
There is nothing after death
but nothing
and that’s all right with me.
It made good scientific sense,
nailed to the cathedral door
of her religious childhood.
And when her husband died
a few years later
pinned against eternity
sagged in the middle
and in its folds
sweet disbelief surprised her
and the hope
she hadn’t seen the last of him yet.
#poetry #death #eternallife #barbarapescan
#JPMoreland - #EternalLife is Like What?
#Philosophy #Religion #PhilosophyOfReligion #Theism #Theology #Eternity #Afterlife #Heaven #Spirit #Soul #Resurrection #Moreland #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #moreland #resurrection #soul #spirit #heaven #afterlife #eternity #theology #theism #philosophyofreligion #religion #philosophy #eternallife #jpmoreland
When Hope Becomes Reality – Revelation 21:3-4
Our hope as believers is that this life is not all that there is. Revelation helps us to look toward that time when our hope becomes reality.
#biblestudy #revelation #eternallife #hope
Living Life to the Fullest – John 10:10
How do you live life to its fullest? By following Jesus as your shepherd. Only then can you experience the life he came to give us.
#biblestudy #john #eternallife #salvation
So I’ve been thinking a lot about reincarnation lately and I totally think it’s a real phenomenon. I don’t think it’s like paranormal, but it does have something we don’t understand to it.
In #buddhism there’s the idea of no-self, that there’s no one thing you can point to and say “that’s me” you’re a combination of your thoughts, ideas, feelings, body, actions etc. the idea is that when you die those things don’t go away, you’ve passed on some of your ideas, your feelings have had impact on your loved ones and those close to you. The chemicals and energy stored in your body are released and go out into the world again, your actions have consequences that are represented by karma.
Eventually, I think that a portion of those things that were “you” eventually over time come together again in another person. Whether it was your ideas that got passed on, memories of you, the effects of your actions, maybe you had children and your genes were passed on, etc.
So that’s what I think reincarnation, or rebirth, or eternal life or whatever you want to call it is, and I totally think it’s a real thing. What are your thoughts?
#buddhism #reincarnation #eternallife #realthing
God Has Given Us Eternal Life – 1 John 5:11-12
Eternal life is not just something we look forward to. God has given eternal life to all who are in Christ. And we have it now.
#1john #biblestudy #eternallife
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23
How amazing is it that we may have eternal life with our Creator? This verse remains a good reminder for how we should choose to live our daily lives.
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#ConnersClinic #devotionals #bibletalk #biblememe #romans6 #eternallife
#eternallife #romans6 #biblememe #bibletalk #devotionals #ConnersClinic
A quotation from Donne, John:
Death be not proud, though some have callèd thee
Mighty and dreadfull, for, thou art not so,
For, those, whom thou think’st, thou dost overthrow,
Die not, poore death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #death #eternallife #mortality
Fred Alan Wolf - Imagining #Immortality and #EternalLife?
Almost every #religion offers #lifeafterdeath, in one form or another, as a reward to the just. What are the similarities and differences among these diverse afterlives? What would immortality and eternal life be like or feel like?
#religion #superstition #science
#immortality #eternallife #religion #lifeafterdeath #superstition #science
#FredAlanWolf - Imagining #Immortality and #EternalLife ?
#Philosophy #Science #PhilosophyOfScience #Physics #QuantumPhysics #QM #QuantumMechanics #Metaphysics #Phenomenology #Belief #BeliefSystem #BeliefSystems #Buddhism #Buddhist #CloserToTruth #RobertKhun
#robertkhun #CloserToTruth #buddhist #buddhism #BeliefSystems #beliefsystem #belief #phenomenology #metaphysics #quantummechanics #qm #quantumphysics #physics #philosophyofscience #science #philosophy #eternallife #immortality #fredalanwolf