SINCE THE START of coronavirus, the filesize of #IPAddresses owned by #Amazon saw a more than four fold increase!
Going from 280kb to 1.2Mb!
We realise filesize is a fairly loose metric for #IPRanges but its alarming nonetheless.
#CAGEFAM #internetAttack #monopoly #plutocracy #blockAmazon #scamazon #ethScamTokens #ethereumScam #CBDC #AWS
#IPAddresses #amazon #IPRanges #cageFam #internetAttack #monopoly #plutocracy #BlockAmazon #Scamazon #ethScamTokens #ethereumScam #cbdc #aws
Its a bit late but in 2018 #Google employees, decided they would not train #militaryDrones.
That's #hCaptcha's raison d'etre.
And its build on the centralised (by #Amazon) #ethereumScam that also serves those #ethScamTokens.
To #Liberapay: its not that #Cloudflare are "good at their job". They get #freeMoney (read: #bailouts) to expand to crush the internet, while claiming they are "helping to build a better one".
#google #militaryDrones #hCaptcha #amazon #ethereumScam #ethScamTokens #liberapay #cloudflare #freeMoney #bailouts #autonomousDrones
We've not seen this, thanks!
So they have an actual plan to run #browsers on their servers. Called Remote Browser Isolation. They obviously want to know how fast people can read and what pictures they look at and keep? If we are allowed(!) to save images, etc.
This is why we say don't make #justRightClick jokes, devil spawn will destroy #computing for "#compliance".
#RemoteBrowserIsolation #scamTokens #ethereumScam @msaunders @zleap @witchescauldron @patricksudlow
#browsers #justRightClick #computing #compliance #RemoteBrowserIsolation #scamTokens #ethereumScam
There's a lot of scams, and #subversive actors (eg. Cloudflare)
We've been, admitedly crudely, watching the space and seen distractions from #BitcoinCore and #Monero come and go. The #ethereumScam has the deepest pockets, as its designed to re-focus crypto back to #fiatCurrencies.
A bait-and-switch of sorts.
The latest and most dangerous distraction are the #ethereumScamTokens built on top of the #etheriumScam (sic: yes, we were misspelling it for a while unfortunately, haha).
#subversive #bitcoincore #monero #ethereumScam #fiatCurrencies #ethereumScamTokens #etheriumScam