Arbitrum Developer Courts Coders Who Already Know WebAssembly-Compatible Languages - The new feature "Arbitrum Stylus" will make it easy to write smart contracts using comput... - #ethereumvirtualmachine #webassembly #technology #arbitrum #news #web2 #web3 #rust #evm
#evm #rust #web3 #web2 #news #arbitrum #technology #webassembly #ethereumvirtualmachine
On-chain tool to seize crypto is a purist's nightmare, but a must: CEO - A U.S. federal court recently used on-chain tech to lock criminal... - #northkoreaweaponsprogram #on-chainenforcementtool #ethereumvirtualmachine #juratblockchain #mikekanovitz #hashcodes #ownership #control #beosin #jurat #jct
#jct #jurat #beosin #control #ownership #hashcodes #mikekanovitz #juratblockchain #ethereumvirtualmachine #on #northkoreaweaponsprogram
NFT Trading Volume Is Sinking, But It’s Not Stopping Developers From Entering Web3 - According to Alchemy’s Q2 Web3 Development Report, while NFT trading volume fell 41%, alm... - #ethereumvirtualmachine #tradingvolume #alchemy #web3 #news #nft
#nft #news #web3 #alchemy #tradingvolume #ethereumvirtualmachine
Sidechains Can Provide ‘Scalability and Flexibility Needed for Real-World Applications’ — Horizen Labs CEO - All-in-one infrastructure solutions may be what is needed to drive the adoption of... - #ethereumvirtualmachine(evm) #softwaredevelopmentkit #non-fungibletokens #smartcontract #cryptography #blockchain #sidechains #interview #defi #web3
#web3 #defi #interview #sidechains #blockchain #cryptography #smartcontract #non #softwaredevelopmentkit #ethereumvirtualmachine
BNB Beacon Chain hard fork adds 'panic' feature that can 'halt' blockchain - BNB Beacon Chain mainnet is set to undergo the "ZhangHeng" hard f... - #binancesmartchainevolutionproposal #ethereumvirtualmachine #roguekeyattacks #bnbbeaconchain #evm-compatible #blockheight #signatures #bnbchain #opbnb
#opbnb #bnbchain #signatures #blockheight #binance #evm #bnbbeaconchain #roguekeyattacks #ethereumvirtualmachine #binancesmartchainevolutionproposal
Coinbase layer-2 network Base closes in on mainnet launch - While a date for mainnet wasn’t announced, the Base team said it’... - #ethereumvirtualmachine #securityaudit #mainnetlaunch #optimism #codebugs #bridges #bounty
#bounty #bridges #codebugs #optimism #mainnetlaunch #securityaudit #ethereumvirtualmachine
Syscoin Developer Launches Ethereum-Compatible Layer 2 Network Secured by Bitcoin Miners - - #ethereumvirtualmachine #mergedmining #technology #ethereum #syscoin #bitcoin #news #evm
#evm #news #bitcoin #syscoin #ethereum #technology #mergedmining #ethereumvirtualmachine
Vitalik Buterin: Ethereum ‘fails’ without these 3 important ‘transitions’ - All three “transitions” are necessary to secure Ethereum’s future... - #ethereumvirtualmachine #zero-knowledgerollups #smartcontractaddress #privacyfeatures #walletsecurity #data
#data #walletsecurity #privacyfeatures #smartcontractaddress #zero #ethereumvirtualmachine
zkSync Era denies 921 ETH 'stuck forever' in smart contract - One member of the cryptocurrency subreddit pointed out that “EVM ... - #ethereumvirtualmachine #evmcompatible #evmequivalent #matterlabs #zksyncera #zksync
#zksync #zksyncera #matterlabs #evmequivalent #evmcompatible #ethereumvirtualmachine
Buterin weighs in on zk-EVMs impact on decentralization and security - Vitalik Buterin has weighed the impacts of the addition of zk-EVM... - #ethereumvirtualmachine #zeroknowledgeproofs #ethereumroadmap #consensus #execution #starkware #consensys #theverge #polygon #scaling #zk-evm #client #scroll #zksync
#zksync #scroll #client #zk #scaling #polygon #theverge #consensys #starkware #execution #consensus #ethereumroadmap #zeroknowledgeproofs #ethereumvirtualmachine
Ethereum Scaling Solution zkSync Era Mainnet Malfunctioned, Resumes Block Production After 4Hrs - zkSync Era malfunctioned and went down for over 4hrs on Saturday as the Layer-2 bl... - #24/7cryptocurrencynews #ethereumvirtualmachine #ethereum #zksync #zkevm
#zkevm #zksync #ethereum #ethereumvirtualmachine
‘The Only Way to Truly Scale Blockchains Is to Parallelize Processing’ Says Piers Ridyard - Despite being touted as the possible panacea, decentralized finance (defi) still f... - #ethereumvirtualmachine(evm) #decentralizedfinance #smartcontracts #piersridyard #interview #coinbase #radixdlt #layer2 #dapps #web3
#web3 #dapps #layer2 #radixdlt #coinbase #interview #piersridyard #smartcontracts #decentralizedfinance #ethereumvirtualmachine
Filecoin Price Skyrockets 25% On FVM Launch, Binance Announces Support - Filecoin price skyrocketed 25% on Monday ahead of the Filecoin Virtual Machine (FV... - #ethereumvirtualmachine #filecoinprice #altcoinnews #filecoin #news
#news #filecoin #altcoinnews #filecoinprice #ethereumvirtualmachine
Hedera confirms exploit on mainnet led to theft of service tokens - Hedera said the smart contract exploit on Mar. 9 has not impacted... - #ethereumvirtualmachine #hederatokenservice #totalvaluelocked #saucerswaplabs #hashpackwallet #transactions #ipproxy #wallets #dapps
#dapps #wallets #ipproxy #transactions #hashpackwallet #saucerswaplabs #totalvaluelocked #hederatokenservice #ethereumvirtualmachine
Rollkit Developers Leverage Bitcoin for Sovereign Rollups, Sparking Criticism from Ethereum Proponents - The Rollkit development team has announced that Bitcoin has been integrated as a m... - #ordinalinscriptiontrend #dataavailabilitylayers #ethereumvirtualmachine #comprehensiveblogpost #sovereigncommunities #blockspacefeemarket #softwareprogrammers #layer1chain
#layer1chain #softwareprogrammers #blockspacefeemarket #sovereigncommunities #comprehensiveblogpost #ethereumvirtualmachine #dataavailabilitylayers #ordinalinscriptiontrend
Filecoin Announces Ethereum-Compatible FVM Mainnet Launch Date, FIL Price $12 Next? - The decentralized storage network Filecoin’s plan to bring smart contracts and use... - #ethereumvirtualmachine #filecoinprice #altcoinnews #filecoin #news
#news #filecoin #altcoinnews #filecoinprice #ethereumvirtualmachine
Filecoin Price Soars 20% On This Major Development: Details - World’s largest decentralized storage network Filecoin announces the launch of Fil... - #ethereumvirtualmachine #filecoinprice #altcoinnews #filecoin #news
#news #filecoin #altcoinnews #filecoinprice #ethereumvirtualmachine
Optimism Plans to Enhance L2 Scaling Network With ‘Bedrock’ Upgrade in March - The Ethereum scaling network Optimism, which operates as a layer two (L2) network,... - #ethereumvirtualmachine #maintaincompatibility #historicchaindata #modularcomponents #multi-chainfuture #designprinciples #ethereum-centric #datacompression #nodeperformance #scalingnetwork #compatibility #goerlitestnet #evm
#evm #goerlitestnet #compatibility #scalingnetwork #nodeperformance #datacompression #ethereum #designprinciples #multi #modularcomponents #historicchaindata #maintaincompatibility #ethereumvirtualmachine
Astar Network CEO: Webassembly Smart Contracts Are Going to ‘Pull a Lot of Talent From Web2 to Web3’ - Ethereum is almost universally credited for kickstarting the Web3 revolution after... - #ethereumvirtualmachine(evm) #smartcontract #astarnetwork #sotawatanabe #webassembly #blockchain #interview #ethereum #solidity #dapps #wasm #web3
#web3 #wasm #dapps #solidity #ethereum #interview #blockchain #webassembly #sotawatanabe #astarnetwork #smartcontract #ethereumvirtualmachine
StarkNet makes Cairo 1.0 open source in first step toward community control - StarkNet has prioritized scalability over composability and trans... - #ethereumvirtualmachine #eliban-sasson #developers #starkware #starknet #cairo1.0 #solidity #zksync #cairo #strk
#strk #cairo #zksync #solidity #cairo1 #starknet #starkware #developers #eliban #ethereumvirtualmachine