In the meantime, I found out where the .scap file format comes from: some years ago, while working on the #Stemma for the #EthicaComplementoria prints, I tried out several digital tools for drawing flowcharts and ended up using #Scapple! I don't have it installed currently, but I might see whether I can export the files into a more standard format! #ResearchDataManagement
Learn all about the textual and print history of the #Ethica in my #DiamondOpenAccess book:
#stemma #ethicacomplementoria #scapple #researchdatamanagement #ethica #diamondopenaccess
l'Éthique de Spinoza sur écran en version pur texte récursif (proto version alpha) :
#hugo #mithriljs #alpha #spinoza #ethica #workinprogress
hogo theme sources :
#hugo #mithriljs #alpha #spinoza #ethica #workinprogress