So far, so impressive! It looks like it worked very well, with a few - expected - issues like the e/o superscripts being misread and some uppercase letters, which look different between the two prints. Correcting these won't take much time. I'll check the remaining four pages and decide whether to improve the current model for this particular print or not afterward!

#ethicacomplementoria #Transkribus #DigitalScholarlyEdition

Last updated 1 year ago

After successfully training and improving my model for the prints, I used it on the youngest Ethica from 1728. Typographically, it is still very similar to the editions from the 17th century, so that should not be a big problem. I'll quality-check the first eight pages today and see, whether it is worthwhile improving the model for this particular print.

#Transkribus #htr #ethicacomplementoria

Last updated 1 year ago

So, I had the UiO-GPT create 2 scripts: one for creating 2 txt files, concatenating the contents of 10 individual files in a particular order each, and then the other for comparing these 2 files line by line and creating a CSV file containing only those lines that had differences in them.
Tweaking and fixing stuff still took time, but I am happy with the progress and found a sensible way of using . This concludes my : I progressed quite a bit w/ the !

#gpt #researchleave #ethicacomplementoria

Last updated 1 year ago

And that's it! Sent off the new training set and hopefully improve the issues I have encountered!
I will also use this model for the 1728 print. It's a different printing press, but overall, the two prints are very much alike, and so is the type they use.

#fraktur #Transkribus #ethicacomplementoria #htr #earlymodern #printhistory

Last updated 1 year ago

Moving back to the issues, we have phenomena like these (shown in the image): The layout detection model draws 'short' lines when the text is warped in the book fold. This leads to especially slim letters and punctuation not getting recognized. When I do the corrections, I will also extend the lines to include these characters. Hopefully, it will improve the recognition!

#htr #Transkribus #ethicacomplementoria

Last updated 1 year ago

While proofreading, I observed 2 distinct ways is realised in the 1674 print from Copenhagen. This happens when more than one worker is typesetting the print. Let's call them Villads & Emil. Villads has been doing this job for a while now; he routinely typesets all words w/ a beautiful cursive font. Emil, who's already having difficulty reading the text, uses for everything & only sets Latin proverbs in cursive.

#typography #ethicacomplementoria #latin #antiqua #german #fraktur #bookhistory

Last updated 1 year ago

"Must es nicht machen wie jener vom Adel / welcher vom Churfürsten zu Sachsen das schöne Gut Alt-Sattel genennet / begerete / weil aber dem Fürsten solches Gut sehr lieb und nutzbar war / sagte er zum Edelmann: Lieber / du bist ein Narr / was wilst du mit einen alten Sattel machen / ich will dir lassen fünff Thaler geben / kauff dir einen neu."
, Kopenhagen 1674, p. 34.

#fruheneuzeit #Humor #hofkultur #komplimentierliteratur #ethicacomplementoria

Last updated 1 year ago

Exciting! Overnight, the text recognition job was completed and now I get to see how good the transcription is!

#ethicacomplementoria #Transkribus #htr

Last updated 1 year ago

It's , and I'm continuing my work on transcribing the from 1674 using . My "job" ran overnight, and the training results were impressive! So, I did a final check on the layout recognition of the remaining pages and ran a job on the entire Ethica print. The book contains both the Ethica Complementoria and the Tranchierbuch. The latter has many illustrations and tables, so I've decided to run it separately.

#wednesday #ethicacomplementoria #Transkribus #textrecognition

Last updated 1 year ago

A blog post continuing my series of posts about the project on the weblog:
Today about and re-using models.

#ethicacomplementoria #DigitalScholarlyEdition #georggreflinger #htr #Transkribus

Last updated 1 year ago

I haven't talked much about my current this time. After a turbulent, travel-intense, and health-depleting summer, there was too much on my ordinary To-Do list, and it didn't feel right to hide away in my research cave. So, last week was largely spent checking off things on my list that had deadlines or needed others' input. This week, I try to focus on tying up some threads from my research sprint in June and see how far I get without overdoing it.

#researchleave #ethicacomplementoria

Last updated 1 year ago

Officially, my #2 2-week this year has started, but I have some cannot-postpone stuff that needs doing. So, begrudgingly, I will check them off my to-do list today.
On a different note: This leave was planned for working on the Edvard Munch correspondence metadata paper. However, due to scheduling issues with my co-author, Munch is postponed to November. I will instead work on proofing the edition for the and work on its Danish translation.

#researchleave #ethicacomplementoria #germantextarchive

Last updated 1 year ago

🧵 3/ continues after lunch w/ my "adopted" colleagues from the section. I had a coordinating & getting-to-know meeting to set up some presentations and show-and-tell sessions for the Depts. that happens every . I offered to do short sessions on , , and during the fall. I'll use the 1678 translation of the as an example for of C17th books!

#researchsupportpartnershipuio #history #digitalmeetup #tuesday #TaDiRAH #Transkribus #tropy #tesseract #danish #ethicacomplementoria #automatedtextrecognition

Last updated 1 year ago

concludes my summer research leave. I wrote the final blog post on my private website this time, summing up my experiences from the last ten days and the last ten years with a personal story and a statement of commitment to a project which has become a part of me:

#day10 #ethicacomplementoria #DigitalScholarlyEdition #DigitalHumanities #altac #academe #ethics

Last updated 1 year ago

of my research leave ends late, but successfully, after proofreading the 1643 text of the edition with the . Read about this and related thoughts on my blog Don't forget: life doesn't necessarily go the way one plans. Prioritize. Take care!

#day8 #ethicacomplementoria #germantextarchive #dta

Last updated 1 year ago

Already 3 hours proofreading the transcription of the 1643 print of the which will be available through the German Text Archive shortly.
The transcription was done manually, with several checks of the physical book in Bamberg.
However, converting a formatted MS Word file into a base format file didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped. This was done in 2016, but the results were not optimal & I noticed only later.

#day8 #ethicacomplementoria #dta #xml

Last updated 1 year ago

of my summer research leave: I started the day following up on the automatic transcription of the print of the from 1678. We have transcribed 25 example pages and are now training with the model from the National Library of Norway. Our goal: a CER <2.0. Let's see if we can reach that! The book is 300 pages and includes the and the , a form of popular limericks.

#day8 #Transkribus #danish #ethicacomplementoria #norfraktur #tranchierbuch #leberreime

Last updated 1 year ago

finishing with a blog post in minor key about my views on the value of collaboration and communication and the printed study edition of the 1643 print at Harrassowitz Verlag:

#day7 #ethicacomplementoria #bookhistory #DigitalScholarlyEdition #academe #demotivation

Last updated 1 year ago

continues, but I had to focus on something else not to get completely demotivated w/ the project.
So instead, I prepared my talk about the Norwegian translation of the @tadirah taxonomy. Slides are done; only minor - aesthetic - changes will be made. See you in Graz!

#day7 #ethicacomplementoria #DH2023 #workshop

Last updated 1 year ago

starts w/ a shock. Turns out me working on a digital scholarly edition of the doesn't stop others from publishing a print edition. Without making contact and hearing about the status of my project. I mean: do a Google search, and you will find my website and the project website with contact details, and you can ask for the status quo. But I guess being a professor frees you from such considerations.

#day7 #ethicacomplementoria

Last updated 1 year ago