Design Milk : KYT Merges Medicine + Fashion With Innovative Bag Collection #solidbrasshardware #medicalsupplies #BridgetScanlan #Italianleather #Style+Fashion #bagcollection #ethicallymade #Lifestyle #lifestyle #diabetes #medicine #medical #Main #bags #bag
#solidbrasshardware #medicalsupplies #bridgetscanlan #italianleather #style #bagcollection #ethicallymade #lifestyle #diabetes #medicine #medical #main #bags #bag
#CovidMitigation #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne
#WearAMask #BringBackMasks
#aranet4 #CleanAir #CorsiRosenthalBox #CRBox
#ClimateJustice #LaudatoSi
#CareForCreation #ZeroWaste
#IndieGames #CozyGames #WholesomeGames
Fiddling around with #GatherTown
#Jesus #Catholicism #Saints #CatholicArt #Theology
#PrayerRequest #Evangelization #Liturgy
#CovidMitigation #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #WearAMask #BringBackMasks #AraNet4 #cleanair #corsirosenthalbox #crbox #climatejustice #laudatosi #careforcreation #zerowaste #fairtrade #ethicallymade #consistentlifeethic #indiegames #cozygames #wholesomegames #gathertown #jesus #catholicism #saints #catholicart #theology #prayerrequest #evangelization #liturgy
Who loves real dark chocolate? 🍫🍫🍫
This liquid bliss is Peruvian Dark Chocolate. Made from scratch (bean to bar) for the youngest two Michelin star chef in the UK.
It’s pretty damn special, but I may be bias……🍫😉🫶
#directtrade #ethicallymade #ethicallysourced #organic #craftchocolate #beantobar #cheflife #lovingMastodon
#directtrade #ethicallymade #ethicallysourced #organic #craftchocolate #beantobar #cheflife #lovingmastodon
Who loves real dark chocolate? 🍫🍫🍫
This liquid bliss is Peruvian Dark Chocolate (Gran Chililique). Made from scratch for the youngest two Michelin star chef we supply here in the UK.
It’s pretty damn special, but I may be bias……🍫😉🫶
#directtrade #ethicallymade #ethicallysourced #organic #craftchocolate #beantobar #cheflife #lovingMastodon
#directtrade #ethicallymade #ethicallysourced #organic #craftchocolate #beantobar #cheflife #lovingmastodon
Yes I make chocolate.
And I’m fucking good at it 🍫🤙💚
#craftchocolate #beantobar #awardwinning #chocolatemaker #chocolate #chocolatelover #ethicallymade #zerochildslavery
#craftchocolate #beantobar #awardwinning #chocolatemaker #chocolate #chocolatelover #ethicallymade #zerochildslavery
Die diesjährige #Weltklima Konferenz #COP27 fand vom 6. bis 18. November 2022 in Sharm el Sheikh, Ägypten statt. 👇
#climateaction #ClimateChange #CO2 #COP27 #ethical #Entwicklungsauswirkungen #entwicklungundklima #Klimafinanzierung #cologne #Klimawandel #NetZero #PLANTED #ethicallymade
#weltklima #cop27 #ClimateAction #ClimateChange #co2 #ethical #entwicklungsauswirkungen #entwicklungundklima #klimafinanzierung #cologne #klimawandel #netzero #planted #ethicallymade
Ethical Made vereint Mode, Kunst und Klimaschutz – und präsentiert auf hochwertigen „Charity T-Shirts“ die Werke kreativer Textildesigner/innen und Künstler/innen.
#mode #kunst #klimaschutz #charity #slowfashion #fashion #ecofashion #ethicallymade #organic #organiccotton #fashionrevolution #fairfashion #love #whomademyclothes #sustainableclothing #streetstyle #vegan #koeln
#mode #kunst #klimaschutz #charity #slowfashion #fashion #ecofashion #ethicallymade #organic #organiccotton #fashionrevolution #fairfashion #love #whomademyclothes #sustainableclothing #streetstyle #vegan #koeln
Nachhaltige Kleidung im SALE - Nachhaltigkeit ist für uns kein Trend, sondern ein zukunftsweisender Prozess mit Rücksicht auf Mensch, Tier und Umwelt.
Unsere Frühjahr / Sommer Kollektion zu reduzierten Preisen! 👈
#mode #kunst #klimaschutz #slowfashion #fashion #ethicallymade #organic #fair
#mode #kunst #klimaschutz #slowfashion #fashion #ethicallymade #organic #fair