A new podcast is out!
SS 399: We Go Meta on Swinging and Making the Sausage… and talk Sex Toys – from Friday Night Delights from February 5th, 2021
#podcast #podcasts #sexpositive #nonmonogamy #ethicalnonmonogamy #nonmono
#podcast #podcasts #sexpositive #nonmonogamy #ethicalnonmonogamy #nonmono
#RelationshipAnarchy is a model of #EthicalNonMonogamy in which hierarchy within relationships is abolished. Everyone is equal, regardless of type of relationship. It is centred around personal freedom and autonomy.
#relationshipanarchy #ethicalnonmonogamy
In other news, I checked out Feeld, as was recommended by several commenters. Unfortunately, there is almost no one from my area on there.
I got my OKCupid account back up and running this morning. Already got a ton of activity, but that doesn't necessarily translate to fun, interesting, and conversationally stimulating cock inside me. We shall see how it goes. OKCupid has done me pretty well in the past.
#okcupid #onlinedating #enm #ethicalnonmonogamy #slut
Dear #polyamorous friends, I suggest you block this individual. Follow the link to see what #idiocy that person propagates:
#polyamorous #idiocy #polyamory #nonmonogamy #ethicalnonmonogamy
@AmishSuperModel And speaking as a #polyamorous person, that comment is fucked up. You arnae funny, ye are a wee cunt. #Polyamory #Nonmonogamy #EthicalNonmonogamy
#ethicalnonmonogamy #nonmonogamy #polyamory #polyamorous
Dear Feeld,
stop showing my profile to people
[in their 20’s]
#enm #EthicalNonmonogamy
A new podcast is out!
SS 398: Swingset as a Place… with Princess Vi
#podcast #podcasts #sexpositive #nonmonogamy #ethicalnonmonogamy #nonmono
#podcast #podcasts #sexpositive #nonmonogamy #ethicalnonmonogamy #nonmono
So, we went on a date last night. That is, partner and I had a date with a very lovely couple we met a few weekends ago. We went out to eat at a Japanese restaurant, had a great meal, and sat talking until well after closing. We were the last customers to walk out the door. 😋
We continued texting in a group text, off and on, until bedtime. We even added each other as friends on the Playstation network. So that pretty much makes it a thing, right?
Anyway, we made loose plans to get together for a game night soon.
Partner is off to work, and I will be running errands today, but will hopefully get some time to take some naughty selfies. Also, there may be streaming today or tomorrow. I haven't decided when, or exactly what I'm going to stream. Could be baking, could be fucking myself silly with a dildo.
Happy Friday!
#nsfw #enm #ethicalnonmonogamy #selfie #legs #butt #milf
For the #polyamory and #ethicalnonmonogamy people.
Im a poly baby and would like to ask:
How did you meet your #polyam partners? Online? #Poly Apps? Or did you just date and hope the people would be open for it?
#polyamory #ethicalnonmonogamy #polyam #poly
My spouse and I are #polyamorous. We both feel that monogamy is an unreasonable expectation tae place on humans, but apparently christianity feels otherwise. We both love each other more than words can express but we also love our partners (when I have any) equally, but in different ways. Itsnae for everyone, and certainly wilnae fix a broken marriage. Communication and honesty are PARAMOUNT. #polyamory #ethicalnonmonogamy #morethantwo
#MoreThanTwo #ethicalnonmonogamy #polyamory #polyamorous
My spouse and I are #polyamorous. We both feel that monogamy is an unreasonable expectation tae place on humans, but apparently christianity feels otherwise. We both love each other more than words can express but we also love our partners (when I have any) equally, but in different ways. Itsnae for everyone, and certainly wilnae fix a broken marriage. Communication and honesty are PARAMOUNT. #polyamory #ethicalnonmonogamy #morethantwo
#MoreThanTwo #ethicalnonmonogamy #polyamory #polyamorous
" My spouse and I are #polyamorous. We both feel that monogamy is an unreasonable expectation tae place on humans, but apparently christianity feels otherwise. We both love each other more than words can express but we also love our partners (when I have any) equally, but in different ways. Itsnae for everyone, and certainly wilnae fix a broken marriage. Communication and honesty are PARAMOUNT. #polyamory #ethicalnonmonogamy #morethantwo "
#polyamorous #polyamory #ethicalnonmonogamy #morethantwo
In other good news, I have a second date with this awesome and adorable guy this weekend, as well as a first date with another guy that I’m interested in the next day. Do I care how messed up this may sound to most monogamous people? Nope. I’m too happy about living my truth to worry about it. #Polyamory #EthicalNonMonogamy #WeekendPlans #HappyLife
#polyamory #ethicalnonmonogamy #weekendplans #happylife
#EthicalNonMonogamy (#ENM): #Cheating, but with better branding (i.e., what #JadaSmith and her equally crazy "intimacy coach" Michaela Boehm advocate).
Being open to ethical non-monogamy (cheating with permission) doesn't make you more enlightened, liberated or any other of the #shaming words its fans claim. Shaming a partner into agreeing to an open relationship, ENM -- or whatever you want to call it -- is wrong. And, in some cases, downright abusive.
In my experience with clients who've had this pushed on them by a #narcissist, #borderline, #histrionic or #ClusterB variety pack partner/ex:
1) Were told there was something wrong with them if they didn’t agree to it.
2) Had to follow a completely different set of rules regarding third parties, because “it’s different for women.”
3) Were accused of being abusive and controlling if they didn’t want to agree to it.
4) After agreeing to it and then it (predictably) blew up, were #gaslighted and #FalselyAccused in family court of forcing the #BPD, #NPD, #HPD ex to have multiple sex partners.
In other words, if ethical non-monogamy/an open relationship isn’t what you want, don’t let anyone make you feel like there’s something wrong with you. If that’s what your spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend believes they need to evolve, grow, feel empowered, etc., perhaps it’s time for them to evolve themselves right out of the relationship.
#ethicalnonmonogamy #enm #cheating #jadasmith #shaming #narcissist #borderline #histrionic #clusterb #gaslighted #falselyaccused #bpd #npd #hpd #abusehasnogender
THISTHISTHISTHIS OH FUCKING THIS! #polyamory #EthicalNonMonogamy #love #respect
#polyamory #ethicalnonmonogamy #love #respect
#EthicalNonMonogamy and #polyamory are about being honest with yourself and others about what you want from your #relationships.
However, this doesn't mean being selfish or pushing your wants onto your partners. Everything in life requires compromise.
But you don't need to compromise on what makes you happy simply to adhere to social expectations of what a "relationship" has to be.
#ethicalnonmonogamy #polyamory #relationships
ooh hey I had an article published! today about being polyamorous around the holidays. would love a share if you don't mind <3
https://www.insider.com/scheduling-holiday-activities-as-a-polyamorous-family-2022-12 "
#polyamory #polyam #poly #polyamorous #holidays #holiday #enm #nonmonogamy #ethicalnonmonogamy
#ethicalnonmonogamy #nonmonogamy #enm #holiday #holidays #polyamorous #poly #polyam #polyamory
ooh hey I had an article published! today about being polyamorous around the holidays. would love a share if you don't mind <3
#polyamory #polyam #poly #polyamorous #holidays #holiday #enm #nonmonogamy #ethicalnonmonogamy
#ethicalnonmonogamy #nonmonogamy #enm #holiday #holidays #polyamorous #poly #polyam #polyamory