Jason Isaac · @jasonisaacdrums
164 followers · 58 posts · Server heads.social

Late night listening: Mulatu Astatke - Ethiopiques Vol. 4. My former colleague Eli Smith (founder of the Brooklyn Folk Festival) gave me a CD-R of this music 16 or 17 years ago. I promptly filed it on a shelf where it sat unlistened to, until tonight. Bad job by me! But better late than never. Marvelous '60s jazz from Ethiopia. Late night hooka lounge vibes to the max.


#jazz #ethiopiques #ethiojazz #mulatuastatke #nowplaying

Last updated 2 years ago

E.N. Wilson · @ChiselerNeil
6 followers · 52 posts · Server mastodon.social

Here's my contribution to (using @JimmyKip 's theme of "songs in languages other than English".)

Out of the all the great music from the original wave of compilations, this one grabbed hold of me and never let go. It just feels like it belongs to the far end of the night, which makes it a tiny bit awkward as my "good morning" contribution. (Hi from UTC/GMT -5, by the way.)

Mot adèladlogn · Tèshomè Meteku


#jukeboxfridaynight #ethiopiques #music #ethiopia

Last updated 2 years ago

E.N. Wilson · @ChiselerNeil
6 followers · 52 posts · Server mastodon.social

for the afternoon:

This feels like the situation when I got Nick Drake's Fruit Tree box set a tiny bit before "Pink Moon" became a VW ad, so I feel a little sheepish in saying that yes, I did find out about before they put her music in a 2022 Xmas commercial. Not by TOO long, but still...

Mother's Love · Tsegue-Maryam Guebrou


#music #tseguemaryamguebrou #walmart #ethiopiques #africanjazz #piano

Last updated 2 years ago