#EthnicStudies Professor Claiming to be Native American Resigns to Avoid Investigation Into Her Heritage
How Santa Monica decimated a thriving Black community
Saving for an #EthnicStudies lesson on reparations
Filing this away for that #EthnicStudies lesson
DeSantis' 'war on woke' looks a lot like attempts by other countries to deny and rewrite history
Egypt Decries “Afrocentric” Exhibition at Dutch Museum
This could make for an interesting conversation in an #EthnicStudies class
"This bookstore, for me, is a continuation of the movement, the activity, the interest, so that part will continue. It’s just that this space, and the lease, won’t be around."
So sad to hear Eastwind Books in Berkeley is closing. I used to love going there when visiting fam in SF. Thanks to @iriskwok for this rich and lively account of its history and significance in relation to the Asian American organising, the International Hotel, Third World Liberation Front and more. May the spirit of Eastwind continue in other ways, beyond the space, beyond the lease...
#asianamerican #antiracism #antiimperialism #decolonisation #organising #aapi #berkeley #sanfrancisco #ihotel #internationalhotel #aapa #books #bookstores #history #sfba #ethnicstudies #esea
#asianamerican #antiracism #antiimperialism #decolonisation #organising #aapi #berkeley #sanfrancisco #ihotel #internationalhotel #aapa #books #bookstores #history #sfba #ethnicstudies #ESEA
For that media unit in #EthnicStudies
Levi's to Use AI-Generated Models to 'Increase Diversity'
An informative #LatinoUSA episode “‘La Lucha Sigue': Chicano Teachers Now and Then” #ChicanoStudies #EthnicStudies #racism #CriticalRaceTheory
#LatinoUSA #chicanostudies #ethnicstudies #racism #criticalracetheory
Happy #BlackHistoryMonth!
I want to share something really cool that I discovered.
I've been digging into intersections between Black and #SouthAsianAmerican history, and found something new.
We know about Punjabi Mexicans and Black Bengalis.
But I just found 3 examples of Black women in New York and Chicago married to Punjabi/Sikh men back in 1940.
👇🏽 Keep reading for the whole story
#USHistory #AsianAmerican #EthnicStudies #BlackHistory #Geneadons #Histodons #Sikh #MastIndia #Desi
#blackhistorymonth #southasianamerican #ushistory #asianamerican #ethnicstudies #blackhistory #geneadons #histodons #sikh #mastindia #desi
Today the decade-long tradition starts on campus again, but this year I'm introducing #EthnicStudies students to the concept of cultural hegemony with the simple question: Why isn't this called a potato box?
My nephew, in his Ethnic Studies class in college, has just discovered how incredibly entitled and privileged he is as a white male. And I can’t be more elated about this little enlightenment. It was needed. He even spoke to the teacher about it.
#EthnicStudies #TeachersMakeADifference
#teachersmakeadifference #ethnicstudies
@OpenSexism Based on this share and the linked article, I quickly created a learning activity for the 9th graders in the #EthnicStudies class that I teach
For an #EthnicStudies lesson tomorrow on social media's role in the radicalization process, I wanted an image for a slide specifically addressing social media and the attention economy. Thank you #DallE https://labs.openai.com/s/EhQuirtyInzkQkAOqAam9hPX
Not that anyone involved in #EthnicStudies needs *additional* examples of institutional oppression, but if so, here's *another*
“I fought for Black studies at UCLA. The College Board just erased U.S. history”https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/books/story/2023-02-03/uclas-first-african-american-studies-chair-the-college-board-just-erased-u-s-history
Important article. All #ethnicstudies are threatened. These departments and research were outcomes of the 1964 #civilrights Legislation. American and European history, culture, and art are not questioned. The importance and value of ethnic studies should be obvious.
“the audit rates documented in the study were ‘unacceptable, BUT a consequence of algorithmic tools that exacerbate racial biases in our institutions.’ [emphasis added]”
That “but” should be an “and”
Fodder for that lesson on institutional racism in an #EthnicStudies course
I am doing some curriculum writing for the APA on decolonizing high school #psychology classes, and it gave me the chance to revisit this paper from my #EthnicStudies work
Overall it’s a good article from Jennifer Rubin except for one gaping hole: not acknowledging that #antisemitism in Left politics (where she correctly notes that it manifests as #antizionism pretending to be merely “criticism of #Israel” ) has its foundation in academia. And now the #ethnicstudies academics want to make it mandatory for 14-15 year olds to take courses which define Israel’s very existence as illegitimate.
https://wapo.st/3XnS39e (gifted, no paywall)
#antisemitism #antizionism #israel #ethnicstudies
I should say that we define "linguistics" (and, for that matter, "literature") extremely broadly. It is true that "language geek" appears nowhere in our charter, but that's really what unites us. There are lots of adjacencies, I think, in #DigitalHumanities, #CompRhet, #EthnicStudies, and other fields. Our recent panels (smash hits, I'll have you know) were on the subject of linguistic justice and language inclusivity, for example -- a matter of broad interest, I think, to humanists in general. So if these terms tug at your heartstrings in some way, you're probably a perfect fit!
#digitalhumanities #comprhet #ethnicstudies
A very important new publication from CAMERA about anti-#Israel activists using #ethnicstudies courses to bring antisemitic content into the public schools. https://www.camera.org/article/under-the-radar-ethnic-studies-activists-push-anti-israel-content-into-american-schools/