Jade Carter, Rosa Christophel, Stephanie Konkel, Gabriella Locke, Adriane Pontecorvo, and Emily Stephen will be discussing the impact of the Ethnographic Field School in Belize at the Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, next week! #anthropology #appliedanthropology #ethnography #fieldschool #ethnographicfieldschool #belize #nku #cfaa #studyabroad #ccsastudyabroad
#anthropology #appliedanthropology #ethnography #fieldschool #ethnographicfieldschool #belize #nku #cfaa #studyabroad #ccsastudyabroad
Application are now being accepted for limited openings in this coming summer's Ethnographic Field School in Belize! For info visit http://nku.edu/cfaa #anthropology #appliedanthropology #ethnography #fieldschool #ethnographicfieldschool #belize #nku #cfaa #studyabroad #ccsastudyabroad
#anthropology #appliedanthropology #ethnography #fieldschool #ethnographicfieldschool #belize #nku #cfaa #studyabroad #ccsastudyabroad