I also have been kicking around an #astronomy -oriented #ethnomethodolgy project for a while too, around (re-)“discovering” the optical pulsar two ways (with this telescope, and using Python to poll a digital sky survey dataset), as a kind of update on the Garfinkel, Lynch and Livingstone pulsar paper. Thinking, thinking, thinking…
Found my feet so it's #introduction time
I'm a professional procrastinator trying to finish a doctorate at #QUB (send prayers to my poor supervisor) researching how abortion myths become legitimated as facts through everyday talk. #socialscience, #ethnomethodolgy #CriticalDiscourseAnalysis, #socialequality, #EBPM #practicalrationality #AbortionisHealthcare
Originally from Belfast, moved to Donegal 15yrs ago to get some headspace & never went back
Love politics & animals, and the odd person
#introduction #QUB #socialscience #ethnomethodolgy #CriticalDiscourseAnalysis #socialequality #EBPM #practicalrationality #abortionishealthcare
@ben This is why we need a real #Psychohistory. Last week was a tipping point, could we use #Ethnomethodolgy or #BifurcationTheory or some sociologically-tooled up #BoylesLaw to analyse it? Or predict the next shift? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
#psychohistory #ethnomethodolgy #bifurcationtheory #boyleslaw