I always come away with the desire to make them happen.
I want #ethnomonarchism, social order, and culture back.
Government and consumerism can suck eggs.
It's a Rome-style collapse.
We have known this for centuries.
It ALWAYS happens with democracy.
#Ethnomonarchism is our only solution.
Are you ready to take the next step?
#Ethnomonarchism and #socialhierarchy work great.
Get them egalitarians out of our lives :)
#ethnomonarchism #SocialHierarchy
Literally a "fascist"?
Oh, no.
I'm much, much "worse" than that.
* #ethnomonarchism
* #capitalism
* #feudalism / #eugenics
* #halfearth
#ethnomonarchism #capitalism #feudalism #eugenics #halfearth
The aristocrats ruled us better than democracy ever have.
That's what we are all slowly realizing as we think about the death of Queen Elizabeth.
She represented the last vestiges of our last hope.
It's up to us now to end the tyrannical democratic Regime and restore the monarchy.
#Ethnomonarchism gang unite!
@deVoid @Amalek_Respector @MyLittleFashy
No, it's based on what works in history:
* Social hierarchy
* Ethno-nationalism
* Strong culture
* Individual reward
To undo modernity, stop doing modern (egalitarian) things and turn to something like #Ethnomonarchism.
@dew_the_dew @Boomerman @CasperDoogan @Hedgehog @job384 @krang @nobu @RaHoWaJoe
Our system has a massive hole that consists of letting the herd decide anything.
Now that all the modern miracles are self-destructing, people are ready for change.
Something new, like #ethnomonarchism.
#Ethnomonarchism solves most of our problems.
The midwest is not a bad place, nor as boring as most make it out to be.
#Ethnomonarchism makes the most sense.
Communism is rule by ideology, which is hostile to culture by nature.
He's not wrong: Nazism was designed in emulation of the Communist model, and recruited most heavily from ex-Communists.
#Ethnomonarchism is the only relevant path.
@anglo @wishgranter14 @yeeeeeeeman
Oh come on, it's great to be able to publicly support:
* #Ethnomonarchism
* #Eugenics
* #Ethnonationalism
* #Capitalism
* #SocialHierarchy
These are great labels to inject into the discussion.
#ethnomonarchism #eugenics #ethnonationalism #capitalism #SocialHierarchy
@amerika> I am an #Ethnomonarchism fan
first, I thought you meant you were king of your own castle...
Then: "we acknowledge that diversity is toxic even in the smallest of amounts, and we need not a State but an organic civilization, with a hierarchy in which its best rule for the benefit of the rest."
So it's a racist monarchy with no diversity tolerated? FUN! ;)
Or simply sarcasm?
@insurgentem @DotardTed @bonifartius
I was never a normal Republican. I am an #Ethnomonarchism fan, and realize that the age of democracy is ending but also want to avoid totalitarianism.
Let's see...
Got called a pedophile, Jew, Satanist, and homosexual.
In the meantime, am still supporting:
* #Ethnomonarchism
* Culture-rule
* Social hierarchy
* Mercantilism
* Individual v. collective reward
* Eugenics
...which is rising, while all the people trying to relive the 1930s or 1780s are getting BTFO'd
@SpottedLeopard69 @joel_walbert
I don't feel guilty about slavery, "racism," the Holocaust, etc.
I love functional civilization, and that requires a mono-ethnic society
National Socialism? I think it goes too far into Statism.
#Ethnomonarchism is the future.