ETH Staking Participation Could Rise to 50% Next Year: Bitfinex Report - There are currently 66,400 validators waiting in the queue to enter with 0 waiting... - #ethstakingdeposits #ethereum(eth) #zz_popular #ethereum #zz_index #bitfinex #zz_top
#zz_top #bitfinex #zz_index #zz_popular #ethereum #ethstakingdeposits
ETH Staking Withdrawals Wane as Deposits Hit New All-Time High - 19,143,891 ETH is now locked as Lido and others see an uptick in deposits.
Continu... - #ethstakingwithdrawals #ethstakingdeposits #zzzeditorspicks #ethereum(eth) #alltimehigh #ethereum #zz_index #zz_top
#zz_top #zz_index #alltimehigh #ethereum #zzzeditorspicks #ethstakingdeposits #ethstakingwithdrawals