Did Novak Djokovic's imitation of Ben Shelton cross the line? 🤔 🤷 🤷♂️
#tennis #djokovic #shelton #etiquette #controversy
Djokovic mocked Shelton's celebration, fans furious 😡 😡
#djokovic #shelton #etiquette #sportsmanship #respect
The 8 Unbreakable Rules of #SelfCheckout #Etiquette
#shopping #consumers #checkout
#selfcheckout #etiquette #shopping #consumers #checkout
Self-checkout stands have been around since the 1980s. And yet, the self-checkout area remains “a bit of a wild, wild West, with plenty of road rage cruising down those lanes.” Here's a story from The Takeout on “The 8 Unbreakable Rules of Self-Checkout Etiquette.” An important read because the people behind you in line might not think your toddler’s attempts to scan the broccoli florets are all that cute.
#Culture #Shopping #Etiquette
I mean, you can post 50 times a day but I for one, and I suspect many others, will never follow you. I follow tags though, so put more tags in your firehose stream and I may see and interact with some of the ones that interest me. #mastodon #etiquette
here is an #etiquette proposal for #Pixelfed users: consider making sets of images (a single post with multiple images) rather than making dozens of individual posts of the same thing or party or whatever. i know i can block people (and i do) i just would rather not have to. maybe i want to see your 3 best photos of flowers in my feed--but not, like 37 of them in a row. thanks for considering.
Splitting the bill has become easier thanks to apps and QR code ordering, but it can still cause friction. Bon Appetit has figured out how to break things down in every scenario, whether you're the only non-drinker, the person with dietary restrictions, or the birthday girl. At a a birthday dinner, what do you usually do?
So many people need to hear, and understand:
If someone gives you a compliment, it's perfectly okay to just say, "Thank you." You don't have to make an excuse, you don't have to compliment them back, and you certainly don't have to try to deflect or contradict the compliment. You can just say, "Thank you," and even add "that's very kind."
(You *can* compliment back, if you want, sure. But it's not obligatory.)
Was out tending my plants and the #Romanian (I think?) neighbours were having a barbecue for their teenage son's birthday. He came over & gave me a dish of pork (we're vegetarian, but couldn't communicate that) & 2 cans of Fanta. I thanked him, wished him a happy birthday & took it inside (don't think we were being invited to join). Will probably put meat in a container & give it to an omnivore friend. Obviously I'll wash the dish & return it, but should I bring anything else? #help #etiquette
Hey #FediFam, this is your old pal Mrs Peacock reminding you oh so gently that if you want to talk about US politics, especially something as gross and infuriating as the #GOP #debate, it would be super cool of you to #CW that shit and also hashtag it so you hit people's mute rules and you don't end up getting yourself muted instead.
#themoreyouknow #etiquette #politics #uspol #cw #debate #gop #FediFam
You owe it to your followers to add one joke content warning to any list of two or more content warnings.
Every time I see a post where someone has typoed in a hashtag it makes me feel a little bad for them. We use hashtags to make things easier to find, and a hashtag with a typo won't do that. I want to DM them and give them a heads-up (after confirming the typo is still there on their server), but pointing out typos is generally considered a dick move, and I don't know if this is or should be an exception. What do you think? #FediHelp #etiquette
This article claims, about a toilet seat that lifts automatically, "By... keeping the seat up...you can actually keep public toilets about 88% cleaner..."
Granted, this is marketing hype for a commercial product, so it may be an exaggeration. But the implication is that there are a shit-ton of men who don't lift the seat when peeing standing up into a toilet in a public bathroom. #wtf? That's gross. Men, don't be gross. #etiquette
#Audition #Etiquette Tips That Every #Actor Needs
#acting #casting
#audition #etiquette #actor #acting #casting
This is hilarious, seems to be an universal problem! "Can I Get Away with This on the Bus? An FAQ for the Modern Commuter" at McSweeney's -> https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/can-i-get-away-with-this-on-the-bus-an-faq-for-the-modern-commuter #publictransport #etiquette #bus
#publictransport #etiquette #bus
Auch wenn @heiseonline meint, dass diese Gesetze ironisch gemeint wären, sollte man sie sich doch immer wieder mal zu Gemüte führen.
Wenn nur ein paar wenige Personen mehr auch darüber bewusst wären, wären viele "Diskussionen" in den sozialen Netzen weniger aufgeheizt und für alle entspannter.
#netiquette #socialmedia #discussion #etiquette
What is your stance with food at the table? I have heard that this is not an appropriate practice for some, but as a food loving American, every table I have been at has almost always had food during the game.
Watch me... I will even eat in character!
#food #manners #etiquette #gaming #gamingcommunity #ttrpgcommunity #ttrpggroup #ttrpg #groupdynamics #gaming #roleplaying
#askfedi #food #manners #etiquette #gaming #gamingcommunity #TTRPGCommunity #ttrpggroup #ttrpg #groupdynamics #roleplaying
How to Handle Yourself at an #Auction
#etiquette #behavior #auctions
#auction #etiquette #behavior #auctions
@mastodonmigration I couldn't agree more. I left one community after being in it for years mainly due to constant arguing whether something is off-topic or not.
If things get too strict, it'll start to represent something like a government bureau instead of a friendly welcoming community.
People need to take things way less seriously and focuse on the good instead of correcting stuff like grammar mistakes...
If I am writing a post and I add in someone’s Mastodon #username like:
@ someone @ somewhere
Would they get something like a ping that they were mentioned in a post?
Like if I had a photo of a really weird bug, I could post publicly and inform someone I know?
Just wondering:
1. How this works technically
2. How this works #etiquette-wise (common sense would be not to abuse or spam this unless you want to get muted or blocked)
#MastodonEtiquette #mastodonhelp #Mastodon #etiquette #username