My account has been limited because I said that #Ucraine is an #etnicist and a #fascist state. #haveaniceday #admins !
#ucraine #etnicist #fascist #haveaniceday #admins
I block everyone with the ucranian #Flag. Please DONT follow me. I´m antifascist.ucraine is a #etnicist and a #fascist state. The #kiev #regime is pure #fascism WAKE UP ! #haveaniceday
#flag #etnicist #fascist #kiev #regime #fascism #haveaniceday
...maybe it´s time to #evacuate #kiev
#ucraine is a #fascist and #etnicist state
The end of the #kiev #regime is near.
#evacuate #kiev #ucraine #fascist #etnicist #regime
I don´t look after followers.#ucraine is a #fascist and #etnicist state.
#ucraine #fascist #etnicist
Have a nice day.
#ucraine #Fascist #etnicist
#ucraine is a #facist and #etnicist state.
#ucraine #facist #etnicist