It's the Day of Zeus / Jupiter's Day / #Thursday! ⚡
Bronze mirror case depicting the abduction of #Ganymedes by Zeus. Several people are standing around when #Zeus lifts up the Trojan prince into the air but they can't do anything to stop it.
🏛️ Late #Etruscan from Palestrina, Italy
#DayOfZeus #Ganymede #Mythology #EtruscanArt #antiquidons @antiquidons @histodons @mythology
#thursday #ganymedes #zeus #etruscan #dayofzeus #ganymede #mythology #etruscanart #antiquidons
Etruscan Pottery, produced over five centuries, was nothing if not varied. #History #Arretium #Bucchero #EtruscanArt
#etruscanart #bucchero #arretium #History
Faced with Roman rigor, Etruscan tenderness.
1. Funerary Monument of a Husband and Wife (2nd century). Walter Arts Museum (Baltimore, Maryland).
2. Sarcophagus of Thanchvil Tarnai and Larth Tetnies from Vulci (4th century b.C.). Museum of Fine Arts (Boston).
#Funeraryart #Art @arthistory #etruscanart
#etruscanart #art #funeraryart
Always show the goods when you chat up a goddess.
Silver engraving from an Etruscan pot showing #Hermes in the nude, practicing "tasteful sophrosyne" like @phistorians's Hercules Farnese today.
#hermes #phallusthursday #etruscanart
Etruscan pottery, produced over five centuries, was nothing if not varied. Indigenous wares such as the glossy black bucchero were made alongside red- and black-figure pottery imitating, yet modifying those produced in the Greek world. Geometric, floral, figure, and narrative decorations were appreciated and adapted from the Near East and Ionia, with even foreign potters and artists themselves ... #Arretium #Bucchero #EtruscanArt
#etruscanart #bucchero #arretium
Fondazione Rovati in Milan, small gem, unmissable.
#museums #milan #milano #etruscanart #ancientart #pottery #italy
#museums #milan #milano #etruscanart #ancientart #pottery #italy