Hari Tulsidas :verified: · @haritulsidas
319 followers · 1592 posts · Server masto.ai

A DNA study shows that the Etruscans, a pre-Roman civilization in Italy, originated from the steppes of Eurasia, contradicting previous beliefs. Their cultural and genetic diversity influenced the Romans greatly.


#etruscans #dnastudy #ancientitaly

Last updated 1 year ago

joe•iuculano :mastodon: · @iuculano
561 followers · 15930 posts · Server masto.ai

"..a discovery that will rewrite history & 1 which more than 60 experts from all over the world are already working on," archaeologist Jacopo Tabolli told in early November, describing "absolutely unique" treasure trove accompanied by incredible quantity of inscriptions in Etruscan & - shedding new light on how much the influenced the civilization that superseded & virtually wiped them out - as well as thousands of coins, votive offerings.


#ansa #latin #etruscans #italy

Last updated 1 year ago

Nature of Sal :masto: · @natureofsal
45 followers · 69 posts · Server mountains.social

Hello outdoor lovers!

Looking for some hiking inspiration (accessible by train) around Rome this weekend?

It could be the perfect weather for a hike by train, to the "Underworld of Manth", aka the forest and sulphur springs of Manziana.

👉 You can find the trail on my Komoot profile: komoot.com/tour/1071202698

👉 Last year, I even made a little silly video about it but it gives you a good idea of what you'll be able to see: youtube.com/watch?v=2Vcco4_yrp

Happy hiking (and holidays) everyone 👋

#lazio #hike #hiking #italy #wandern #outdoors #forest #wald #spazieren #cycling #running #etruscans

Last updated 2 years ago

Fiona Cameron Lister · @fcameronlister
0 followers · 4 posts · Server me.dm

I'm a professional and in , and write on about life in Italy, the , , and , my , particularly my , and also the , particularly .

#writer #editor #tuscany #italy #medium #etruscans #florence #poetry #language #animals #alpacas #home #dark #interiors

Last updated 2 years ago

Nature of Sal · @natureofsal
8 followers · 7 posts · Server mountains.social

The Etruscans, an ancient civilization that predates the Romans, remain a mystery to this day. This is partially due to the fact that the Romans erased much of their written history, as it is often said, "the victors write the history."

It is possible to come across countless Etruscan artifacts such as tombs, buildings, and caves when hiking in Northern Lazio (Latium), which is why I thought you might enjoy this video I came across recently: youtube.com/watch?v=qbWqEb2hSV

#hiking #lazio #etruscans

Last updated 2 years ago

Nature of Sal · @natureofsal
8 followers · 7 posts · Server mountains.social

Trail inspection today at "Antica Monterano", a ghost town abandoned in 1799, and built on the consecrated territory of the Etruscan civilization in Northern Lazio, Italy.

#lazio #italy #monterano #etruscans #rome #hiking #january #adventure

Last updated 2 years ago

A.W.Ford, the Curious Curator · @awford
173 followers · 619 posts · Server universeodon.com

The 3rd new magazine I'm introducing is "The Road to ", about the , , and , launching with 110 stories like:

- Succession of the

- The Wars

- 9 facts about

- was a real

- , the Mad

- 2k yr old road discovery in

- prayed at hot springs

- in ancient Rome

- Ovid & Catullus, &


#ancient #history #rome #roman #byzantine #etruscan #cultures #romanempire #gallic #juliuscaesar #spartacus #gladiator #commodus #emperor #britain #etruscans #sacred #sex #poetry #scandal

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr. Kira Jones · @FlavianSophist
79 followers · 10 posts · Server peoplemaking.games

I went with Hunter's Glade, which is a large house located in the Rift area. It's technically in Oblivion under control of Hircine but you access it through a portal in the Rift. It has a big, flat area with no other buildings which was great for my needs.

It also lets you run around as a werewolf without any timers on you (providing you have been bitten already), which I think the would approve of. Anyway, you can check the wiki for it here: en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Hunter

#etruscans #elderscrollsonline #archaeogaming

Last updated 2 years ago

Joel M. Hoffman, PhD · @JoelMHoffmanPhD
338 followers · 175 posts · Server newsie.social

In many ways the are the key to understanding Western civilization.

"Discovery of ancient bronze statues in Italy may rewrite Etruscan and Roman history." -- npr.org/2022/12/03/1138904735/


#etruscans #histodons #history

Last updated 2 years ago

Liz Loveland · @lizl_genealogy
311 followers · 158 posts · Server federate.social

Today I took a virtual live tour of the Etruscan collection in the Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam (still can't quite believe no one told me there is an archaeology museum on either of my visits to Amsterdam) so here's one of my photos from Villa Giulia, the National Etruscan Museum in Rome. This charming young child is depicted with the amulet that Etruscan children kept around their necks.

#etruscans #archaeology

Last updated 2 years ago