12 CVE emesse sul sistema TETRA: quando i sistemi legacy incontrano la moderna cybersecurity
#TETRA, o Terrestrial Trunked Radio, è uno #standard #globale per le #comunicazioni bidirezionali #crittografate sviluppato da #esperti di pubblica sicurezza sotto gli auspici dell’Istituto europeo per gli #standard di telecomunicazione (#ETSI).
Condividi questo post se hai trovato la news interessante.
#redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #infosecurity
#tetra #standard #globale #comunicazioni #crittografate #esperti #etsi #redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #infosecurity
@teezeh Ja, die Profis vom #ETSI. ETSI … war da nicht was? Ach ja, die wollten mal unser aller #Transportverschlüsselung #HTTPS durch einen absichtlich schwachen Verschlüsselungsstandart #ETS alias #eTLS aufweichen: https://bigbrotherawards.de/2019/technical-committee-cyber-des-europaeischen-instituts-fuer-telekommunikationsnormen-etsi
#etls #ets #https #transportverschlusselung #etsi
@lamp depends on what location you've selected.
You can thank @EU_Commission and #ETSI for their bs. decision to effectively ban #aftermarket #Firmware under the false claim of "spectrum protection" (or rather enfircement)...
For example since @BNetzA allows WiFi between 2,4-2,5 GHz and not caps it at 2485MHz, you actually get 2 more channels in Germany.
Amd in Japan you get 802.11j with an entire extra band in the 5GHz region that is reserved for rain Radar in #Europe (aka. closer to DFS).
#Europe #firmware #aftermarket #etsi
#TETRA is not the first time an #ETSI standard has been found to be intentionally weakened, remember GPRS back in 2021 ...
Bombshell Report Finds Phone Network Encryption Was Deliberately Weakened
In dem Zusammenhang nochmal der Hinweis auf #ETSI und Fahrzeuge und Überwachung in Echtzeit
Man könnte sonst leicht glauben, es wäre nur Frankreich
#ETSI-Komitee arbeitet an Standard zur #Überwachung von Fahrzeugen in Echtzeit | heise online https://www.heise.de/hintergrund/Neuer-ETSI-Standard-zur-Ueberwachung-von-Fahrzeugdaten-in-Arbeit-9181896.html #surveillance #Datenschutz #privacy #VDS #Vorratsdatenspeicherung
#vorratsdatenspeicherung #vds #privacy #datenschutz #surveillance #uberwachung #etsi
#ETSI Komitee arbeitet an Standard zur Überwachung von Fahrzeugen in Echtzeit
• Fahrgestellnummer und IMEI-Identifikation
• Auslesen gekoppelter Smartphones
• Überwachung im Minutentakt
Die Begehrlichkeiten betreffen Daten aus der Autoelektronik, um damit gekoppelte Smartphones auszulesen oder um festzustellen, wie viele Personen gerade in einem Auto sitzen. Gefordert ist auch, dass diese Datensätze in Echtzeit geliefert werden.
Eine neue Spezifikation des Europäischen Instituts für Telekommunikationsnormen soll den Zugriff von Polizeibehörden auf die Metadaten von Autos erleichtern.
@APDMS @balmeyer @beatricelcv @pizzaroquette à force d'y penser...et si Gérard Larcher était finalement une crêpe.
IoT network - that has even 4 billion knots? Without base stations?
That's the concept of Wirepas from Tampere, Finland (standardized by ETSI & now known as DECT NR+).
Wirepas demoes this in Barcelona @ Mobile World Congress Feb 27 - 2 March, 2023 / booth: Business Finland pavilion, 7G41.
They also love Linux! IoT divides opinions - why not go talk to them about future of enterprise IoT.
=> https://www.wirepas.com/news-and-more/mwc-2023
#IoT #Wirepas #networks #MWC #Barcelona #Catalonia #ETSI #DECT
#iot #wirepas #networks #mwc #barcelona #catalonia #etsi #dect
IoT network - that has even 4 billion knots? Without base stations? :atom:
That is the concept of Wirepas from Tampere, Finland (standardized by ETSI & now known as DECT NR+).
Wirepas demoes this in Barcelona @ Mobile World Congress Feb 27 - 2 March, 2023 / booth: Business Finland pavilion, 7G41.
These guys also love Linux! IoT divides opinions - why not go talk to them about the future of enterprise IoT.
=> https://www.wirepas.com/news-and-more/mwc-2023
#IoT #Wirepas #networks #MWC #MobileWorldCongress #Barcelona #Tampere #Spain #Finland #Cataluna #Catalonia #ETSI #DECT #business #enterprise #connectivity #Suomi #Linux
#linux #suomi #connectivity #enterprise #business #dect #etsi #catalonia #cataluna #finland #spain #tampere #barcelona #mobileworldcongress #mwc #networks #wirepas #iot
@carlmalamud Have you seen the #FOSDEM talk on the #EU #StandardEssentialPatents (#SEP) regulation, which might introduce a definition of #FRAND? It comes with a call to arms to join #ETSI lobbying.
#fosdem #eu #standardessentialpatents #sep #frand #etsi #standards #endsoftwarepatents
Die EU hat im Februar den Entwurf für das "Architecture Reference Framework for EU Digital Wallet" veröffentlicht. Unseren Kommentar dazu gibt es im PROJECT CONSULT Blog:
#EU #eIDAS #DigitalWallet #Wallet #Identity #Decentralized #ARF #Architecture #Framework #ETSI #CEN #Cenelec #Standards #DigitalIdentity #eID #eIDAS2
#eu #eidas #digitalwallet #wallet #identity #decentralized #arf #architecture #framework #etsi #cen #cenelec #standards #digitalidentity #eid #eidas2
"Nous avons besoin de l'implication des pays de la sous-région car nous avons des groupes armés locaux, mais aussi des groupes armés étrangers" Extrait de l'entretien avec le premier ministre de la République démocratique du Congo, Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde Kyenge #etsi #TV5MONDE
For no specific reason I have downloaded the #ETSI ETS 300 706 standard. Call it nostalgia :) Yes. This standard from 1997 defines good ole #Teletext. https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_i_ets/300700_300799/300706/01_60/ets_300706e01p.pdf
If you are interested in #DigitalRadioMondiale, I'm very much looking forward to read from you! :)
🔗 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Radio_Mondiale
🏷️ #DRM #Longwave #Mediumwave #Shortwave #HamRadio #Introduction #Radio #RadioWaves #CitizenBand #Broadcast #Rundfunk #Langwelle #Mittelwelle #Kurzwelle #ETSI #Eurovision #EBU #EUR #BroadcastClock
#digitalradiomondiale #DRM #longwave #mediumwave #shortwave #hamradio #introduction #radio #radiowaves #citizenband #broadcast #rundfunk #Langwelle #mittelwelle #kurzwelle #etsi #eurovision #ebu #eur #broadcastclock
"Le marché financier c'est la clé de la richesse, du développement, de la prospérité" Extrait de l'entretien avec Michel Lobé Ewané, auteur de "Etre Milliardaire en Afrique aujourd’hui "paru chez Présence Africaine, mené par Denise Epoté #EtSi