🆕In her address at @dfatirl@twitter.com on the occasion of 🇮🇪🇪🇺 #EU50, Ombudsman Emily O'Reilly reflects on how EU membership has been one of the most radically transformative events in Ireland’s modern history.
What are the effects that entering and leaving the #EU have had on the #UK constitution?
Analysing constitutional change in the UK, ALISON YOUNG reasons: "(...) the emerging post-Brexit constitution paints a worrying picture."
How has #EU law been received in Irish courts since 1973?
SUZANNE KINGSTON identifies three major themes: openness, confidence, and limits.
What do numbers say about #Ireland's relationship with the EU?
ELAINE FAHEY (@faheye) evaluates and interprets preliminary reference stats - and finds a dramatic shift in recent times.
How has #Brexit impacted Ireland's participation in the Common European Asylum System (#CEAS)?
JANINE SILGA continues our current debate '50 years in and out of Europe'.
#EU Membership has made a lasting impact on equality law in #Ireland, but how much has Ireland contributed to shaping EU law and policy on #equality?
MARK BELL analyses a constantly evolving, interactive relationship:
Interested in #EU50 and/or Ireland/UK relations?
Send your abstract to the themed track session 'Ireland and the EU: in a changing world' to join the upcoming @UACES conference in #Belfast.
@ECPR_SGEU @politicalnets @eustudies @isanet @DrKathrynSimps
Submit your proposal to the next @UACES Annual Conference in #Belfast by #22January2023. Our @IACESInfo themed track is 'Ireland and the EU: in a changing world'. Open to all with an interest in #EU50. @DrKathrynSimps @EspolLille
Submission portal: