European Commission proposes €189.3 bln for 2024 EU budget #EUbudget #EUbudget2024 #EuropeanCommission #JohannesHahn
#eubudget #eubudget2024 #europeancommission #johanneshahn
Commission should resist calls to reduce EU budget, MEP says #EUbudget #EUbudget2024 #EuropeanCommission #EuropeanParliament
#eubudget #eubudget2024 #europeancommission #europeanparliament
MEPs reject budget report after right introduces EU funds for border walls #ECR #EPP #EUbudget #Migration #walls
#ecr #epp #eubudget #migration #walls
EU institutions reach agreement on European Chips Act #ChipsAct #EUbudget #firstofakind #intellectualproperty #megafabs
#chipsact #eubudget #firstofakind #intellectualproperty #megafabs
Charles Michel, ma quanto costano i tuoi viaggi all’Ue? #CharlesMichel #ConsiglioEuropeo #EUBudget
#charlesmichel #Consiglioeuropeo #eubudget
Today in "The Capitals":
🇷🇸 Vučić touts Russian-Serbian brotherhood as regional tensions rise
🇪🇺 and #EU countries reach agreement on #EUBudget
🇵🇱 Poland missile strike: What we know so far
Bijna 300 miljoen euro extra voor militaire mobiliteit; erg belangrijk voor Nederland want concrete investeringen in onze havens, wegen en bruggen, wat tegelijk leidt tot meer afschrikking omdat overzees militair vermogen sneller op zijn plek is om ons te helpen verdedigen (1)
RT @RenewEurope
✅ We have a deal!
"Game, set & match, the @Europarl_EN has secured +1 bn to the #EUBudget 2023 for our citizens and for the 🇪🇺 Union allowin…
RT @AndrejPlenkovic
Hvala povjerenici @ElisaFerreiraEC, Partnerski sporazum s @EU_Commission temelj je Hrvatskoj za korištenje sredstava iz #EUBudget u razdoblju 2021.-2027. Time ćemo dodatno ubrzati rast gospodarstva i ravnomjerni razvoj 🇭🇷!
RT @EUCourtPress
#ECJ rejects the actions brought by #Hungary and #Poland against the #EUBudget conditionality mechanism on the respect of the #RuleOfLaw by Member States @Europarl_EN @EUCouncil
#ecj #hungary #eubudget #poland #ruleoflaw
RT @EUCourtPress
#ECJ rejects the actions brought by #Hungary and #Poland against the #EUBudget conditionality mechanism on the respect of the #RuleOfLaw by Member States @Europarl_EN @EUCouncil
#ecj #hungary #poland #eubudget #ruleoflaw
RT @RasmusAndresen
Sorry, Arizona, Pensylvania, Georgia & Nevada beschäftigen mich auch sehr, aber das Europäische Parlament hat Heute dafür gesorgt, dass Orban & seine Freunde der EU nicht mehr auf der Nase herum tanzen. Das kann groß werden.
#RuleOfLaw #EUBudget
.@eucopresident Voici une solution qui apporte plus de 50 milliards € par an pour un budget européen beaucoup plus ambitieux sans demander 1€ aux citoyens ni aux budgets nationaux. Soutenue par 64% des Européens! Qu'attendons-nous?! #EUBudget #EUCO
RT @climateandjobs
On fonce vers le chaos social, climatique et sanitaire.
Pourtant, il y a des solutions efficaces.
Ça se joue dans les 15 prochains jours !
Mme Merkel, M. Macron…
"Mitgliedstaaten, die Geiz gegenüber Solidarität gewählt haben, haben dies auf Kosten der Zukunft der #EU getan, was uns letztendlich mehr kosten könnte als ein etwas größeres #Budget.
#EUBudget #Piratenpartei #EU_Parlament
#eu #budget #eubudget #piratenpartei #eu_parlament
Der portugiesische Premier twittert dieses schöne Kantinenfoto:
Lecker Mittagessen mit den Kollegen u Selfie mit Servicekraft.
.@eucopresident I’m counting on you to commit to an #EUBudget that reflects the twin crises and dedicates at least 40% to #ClimateAction and 10% to #biodiversity. To be aligned with the #EUGreenDeal you must exclude support to fossil fuels! #EUbudget4climate #EUCO #MFF
#eubudget #climateaction #biodiversity #eugreendeal #eubudget4climate #euco #mff
.@antoniocostapm as you head to the #EUsummit I’m counting on you to commit to a #EUBudget that dedicates at least 40% to #ClimateAction and doesn’t subsidize #fossilfuel Europeans are calling for a #GreenTransition! #EUbudget4climate #EUCO
#eusummit #eubudget #climateaction #fossilfuel #greentransition #eubudget4climate #euco as you head to the #EUsummit I’m counting on you to commit to an #EUBudget that dedicates at least 40% to #ClimateAction and doesn’t subsidize #fossilfuel Europeans are calling for a #GreenTransition! #EUbudget4climate #EUCO
#eusummit #eubudget #climateaction #fossilfuel #greentransition #EUbudget4climate #euco
Starting off the #EUbudget debate for the Left, MEP rejects the cuts proposed by the Council:
"The Council is proposing cuts to research funds, €430M in cuts affecting young people, cuts to the asylum and migration fund, at a time when we need more resources."