#Mosquito control experiment status: #eucalyptus #lemon oil #repellent works, and doesn't melt plastic like #DEET -- however, need to change clothing between inside and outside, otherwise you fill up any small enclosed spaces with eucalpytus lemon oil and you start choking on the fumes. Yes, my pants were rapidly deployed outside (I put on other pants, don't worry).
#mosquito #eucalyptus #lemon #repellent #deet
Plantations and fires
"We were able to show that some of the most intense fires were associated with eucalyptus and also pinus plantations.The plantations really were driving some of the most intense fires on Earth at that point and these are not non-trivial fires.These are absolute raging firestorms." Professor Bowman
#ForestryCorporation #plantations #eucalyptus #bushfires #firestorm #risks
#forestrycorporation #plantations #eucalyptus #bushfires #firestorm #risks
Sun 03 Sept. 2023
* Citizens Mobilisations *
Deeucalyptise #Portugal
Towards growing resilient forests
Manifesto against forest fires and the role of the cellulose industry in #eucalyptus monocultures in Portugal.
7pm Largo da Estefânia
3pm Palácio de Cristal
7pm O Cais bar
5pm Alameda da Carvalha
Vila Nova de Poiares
5pm Town Hall
5.30pm Casa Azul Choupal National Forest
To be confirmed
#BotanicalGarden #Wattle #BlueSky #Bush #Eucalyptus #Canberra #Trees #Banksia #Australia #WildOz #NativeOz #BushPhotography #Nature #NaturePhotography #Photography
#silentsunday #botanicalgarden #wattle #bluesky #bush #eucalyptus #canberra #trees #banksia #australia #wildoz #nativeoz #bushphotography #nature #naturephotography #photography
A bright, warm, sunny day is perfect for a wander around the #BotanicalGardens.
#BlueSky #TelstraTower #Bush #BushCapital #Canberra #Trees #Eucalyptus #Australia #Clouds #WildOz #NativeOz #Shadows #SilentSunday
#botanicalgardens #bluesky #telstratower #bush #bushcapital #canberra #trees #eucalyptus #australia #clouds #wildoz #nativeoz #shadows #silentsunday
"Oaklanders had never a better opportunity than now, for beautifying their lawns and gardens with the choicest of trees and ornamental shrubbery. Amongst those who have the means and the inclination to adorn their grounds, may be mentioned the name of Horatius Livermore, whose charming suburban retreat of "Rock Ridge Park," is so appropriately named. A city nurseryman, has been engaged lately in setting out in these grounds, one thousand trees, consisting of the eucalyptus, that gem of Australia, walnut, sycamore, laurel and oak, besides shrubs of rare varieties."
#Rockridge #Oakland #eucalyptus #HoratioLivermore #NonNative #trees #history
#Rockridge #oakland #eucalyptus #horatiolivermore #nonnative #trees #history
"Although the exact cause was never determined, the fire began in the undeveloped chaparral and grasslands of Wildcat Canyon, just east of the ridgeline of the Berkeley Hills, and was propelled over the ridge and southwestward just south of Codornices Creek by a strong, gusty, and intensely dry northeasterly wind."
Heat and wind appear to be the common cause for all the fires across California that week, and electrical delivery infrastructure was really young in 1923.
A lot of the towers and transmission equipment built by #PGE in California are old. The #Paradise #fire was caused by a hook on a tower that had been swinging in the wind long enough to saw itself in half. A PG&E engineer told me that the towers in the SF #EastBay are of the same vintage as Paradise.
It's also worth noting that people thought planting #eucalyptus was a good idea for a cash crop, in the late 19th century, in California.
#paradise #fire #EastBay #eucalyptus #powerlines #PGE
Quintessentially Australian. Cockatoo in a Eucalyptus tree.
#Bird #Trees #WildOz #NativeOz #Cockatoo #Nature #Canberra #Australia #PhotoOfTheDay #Photography #Eucalyptus #BirdsOfMastodon #BlueSky #TreesOfMastodon
#bird #trees #wildoz #nativeoz #cockatoo #nature #canberra #australia #photooftheday #photography #eucalyptus #birdsofmastodon #bluesky #treesofmastodon
Such a beautiful eucalypt. #ThickTrunkMonday #tree #eucalyptus
#thicktrunkmonday #tree #eucalyptus
Good podcast on the "green deserts" of #Brazil, where diverse ecosystems are being replaced by #monocultures of #soy or #eucalyptus plantations for #pulp and #paper production.
#brazil #monocultures #soy #eucalyptus #pulp #paper
#EucalyptusCaesia, commonly known as caesia or gungurru, is a species of mallee that is endemic to the south-west of Western Australia.
I’ve seen these here and there but have found them difficult to photograph. These were so high up, but managed to get a few good shots of these beauties.
Altext image 1.
#urbanflora #flora #gardening #Eucalyptus #garden #melbourne #MostLiveable #aesthetichedonist #bloomscrolling #flowersofmastodon #gardeningAU #gardening #narrm #victoria #Australia #downunder #makesmehappy
#eucalyptuscaesia #urbanflora #flora #gardening #eucalyptus #garden #melbourne #mostliveable #aesthetichedonist #bloomscrolling #FlowersOfMastodon #gardeningau #narrm #victoria #australia #downunder #makesmehappy
Doctor's Swamp near Murchison, Vic. Red Gum swamp with lots of native forbs, #wetland plants, and also water #birds (saw Spoonbill & Black Swan). Many River Red Gums of all ages, often bearing hollows and giant burls. This place is always great to stop at if you're in the area.
#Wildlife #Nature #Trees #Eucalyptus
(#alttext: 2 pics depicting the above)
#wetland #birds #wildlife #nature #trees #eucalyptus #alttext
Some Mountain Ash (Euc. Regnans) towering over people exploring the new Chelsea Australian Garden section at the Dandenong ranges botanic gardens.
#treetrunktuesday #botanicalgardens #eucalyptus #olinda
#BrightonEast #Melbourne #Australia is home to this grand #gumtree!
So richly #Australian and native to this continent.
First two pictures are of the same tree.
3rd and 4th are of other tree foliage (#eucalyptus leaves) that are typical of #gums, given the tall one tops out at around 60 foot high (estimated).
Taken yesterday evening, pre-sunset.
#urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #melbourne #MostLiveable #aesthetichedonist #flowersofmastodon #gardeningAU #gardening #narrm #victoria #Australia #downunder #makesmehappy
#brightoneast #melbourne #australia #gumtree #australian #eucalyptus #gums #strength #resilience #beauty #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #mostliveable #aesthetichedonist #FlowersOfMastodon #gardeningau #narrm #victoria #downunder #makesmehappy
This is 'Big Red', though he/she is actually a South Australian blue gum, #Eucalyptus leucoxylon. Biggest tree on our place and all the more special for being a crimson flowering form of the species. #bloomscrolling #ozplants #RockleighSA
#eucalyptus #bloomscrolling #ozplants #rockleighsa
An example of duotone in cyanotype.
It's a bit of a cheat, as it's a double exposure.
First, I exposed eucalyptus leaves for maybe a week. This length of exposure gives the golden green colour.
No light got through the leaves, so under there was still unexposed.
Then I overlaid the whole image with vintage acetate star maps, to get a 'night sky' within the leaves.
A normal exposure kept it blue.
#cyanotype #blueprint #duotone #DoubleExposure #eucalyptus #NightSky #Stars
#cyanotype #blueprint #duotone #doubleexposure #eucalyptus #nightsky #stars
Eucalyptus Caesia, or the Silver Princess. This species is from West Australia, but this particular tree is growing in Naarm (Melbourne).
Bana-phrionsna airgid. 'S ann à Astràilia an Iar a tha an t-seòrsa seo, ach tha a' chraobh seo a' fàs ann an Naarm.
#Gàidhlig #craobh #TreesOfMastodon #Naarm #Melbourne #eucalyptus
#gaidhlig #craobh #treesofmastodon #naarm #melbourne #eucalyptus
#thicktrunktuesday Eucalyptus at St George, Qld.
Does anyone know why these trees have dark bark low down and light bark higher? #eucalyptus #strangebark
#thicktrunktuesday #eucalyptus #strangebark