- blogged
Eudaimonia - Why Bother?
"En la Historia, las aguas estancadas, sean las de la costumbre o las del despotismo, no toleran la vida; La vida depende de la agitación que realizan unos pocos individuos excéntricos.
En homenaje a esa vida, a esa vitalidad, la comunidad debe aceptar ciertos riesgos, debe admitir una porción de herejía.
Debe vivir peligrosamente si es que quiere vivir."
-Herbert Read
#Anarquismo #Anarquismo #Libertad #Felicidad #Eudaimonia #Plenitud #ApoyoMutuo #AyudaMutua #HerbertRead #Filosofia
#anarquismo #libertad #felicidad #eudaimonia #plenitud #apoyomutuo #ayudamutua #herbertread #filosofia
"Ojalá te esté golpeando fuerte el viento en la cara, ojalá te estés bañando en salvajes corrientes de agua helada. Que sientas intensa cada brisa, cada ruido, cada instante.
Que corras por los bosques y trepes a los árboles. Hoy eres cuervo surcando el aire, fiera pantera acechando en la selva. Cuerpo y alma en libertad, dañando, minando su control y su poder.
Ninguna reja ni valla te separen del mar, del abismo, de la nada. Que te alejes de la dictadura del tiempo y de la dominación de los bastardos. Que sea la luna tu compañera, quien te alumbre y te guíe a cualquiera de tus nortes".
#Libertad #Eudaimonia #Liberacion
#libertad #eudaimonia #liberacion - blogged
Eudaimonia - Element XVI - Protect - blogged
Element XIV - Humility - blogged
Element XIII - Vidiosus - blogged
Element XII - Perseverance - blogged
Element XI - Temper
#TIL about "#Eudaimonia", "Ikigai", and that they have a relation to #MaslowsHeiarchyofNeeds - which has its own relation to a framework I developed stemming from #DavidAllen's #GTD concept of "5 Horizons". (#HeiarchyofFulfillment)
I haven't extensively read philosophy - I like to muddle through and figure stuff out on my own most of the time, because now that I've somewhat independently found the same path as others before me (who are much smarter), I can have confidence that this is rational.
#til #eudaimonia #maslowsheiarchyofneeds #davidallen #gtd #heiarchyoffulfillment - blogged
Eudaimonia - Element X - Hope - blogged
Eudaimonia - Element IX - Patience - blogged
Eudaimonia - Element VIII - Kindness
In the last couple of months, I've:
Fixed my #diet
Started to #exercise
Gotten off of #facebook (though will #mastodon be just as bad for me?)
So, now I need to think about next steps:
#meditation ?
#charitywork ?
Any other suggestions?
#diet #exercise #facebook #mastodon #meditation #charitywork #eudaimonia
When John #McDowell writes* that the #Greek term ‘#prattein’ (whence ‘#praxis’) as used by #Aristotle has a ‘quasi-technical restricted use’ not applicable to animals (unlike ‘voluntary #behaviour’), does the use of “technical” in McDowell’s construction mean something like #technē or rather #Eudaimonia-theoretic? If the former then it seems odd that #animals be ruled out so quickly. *The Role of ‘Eudaimonia’ in Aristotle’s Ethics’, in #Mind, #Value, & #Reality.
#reality #value #mind #Animals #eudaimonia #techne #behaviour #aristotle #praxis #prattein #greek #mcdowell
When John #McDowell writes* that the #Greek term ‘#prattein’ (whence ‘#praxis’) as used by #Aristotle has a ‘quasi-technical restricted use’ not applicable to animals (unlike ‘voluntary #behaviour’), does the use of “technical” in McDowell’s construction mean something like #technē or rather #Eudaimonia-theoretic? If the former then it seems odd that #animals be ruled out so quickly.
*The Role of ‘Eudaimonia’ in Aristotle’s Ethics’, in #Mind, #Value, & #Reality.
#reality #value #mind #Animals #eudaimonia #techne #behaviour #aristotle #praxis #prattein #greek #mcdowell
Be stoic my friends.
According to Stoicism, the path to #eudaimonia (happiness) is embracing and accepting the moment as it presents itself by not allowing oneself to be controlled by the desire for pleasure or by the fear of pain.
@fzzlkfly @philosophy I believe that happiness should not be confused with an emotion, or even a "consumable" state of mind. As a young man I was taught that "happiness" might as well be an active state of balance - this idea has served me well. #eudaimonia
#satori #meditation #proxmox #openstack #ansible #terraform #kubernetes #docker #nextcloud #webdesign #devops #sysadmin #infosec #linux #virtualization #cloud #blockchain #disasterrecovery #opensource #infrastructure #decentralization #humanflourishing #eudaimonia