The #EuropeanCommission decides to refer Belgium, Bulgaria, Latvia and the Netherlands to the Court of Justice of the European Union @Curia for failing to enact #EU rules on #OpenData and public sector #DataReuse
#europeancommission #eu #opendata #datareuse #eudirective_2019 #opendatadirective
The #EuropeanCommission decides to refer Belgium, Bulgaria, Latvia and the Netherlands to the Court of Justice of the European Union @Curia for failing to enact #EU rules on #OpenData and public sector #DataReuse
#europeancommission #eu #opendata #datareuse #eudirective_2019 #opendatadirective
The #EuropeanCommission decides to refer 11 Member States to the Court of Justice of the European Union @Curia for failing to fully transpose #EU #CopyrightRules into national #law
#EuDirective_2019/790 #EuDirective_2019/789
#europeancommission #eu #copyrightrules #law #eudirective_2019