First time at #AvistaStadium to see the home team #SpokaneIndians and, what luck, the visiting #EugeneEmeralds are #SFGiants affiliate! So I get to root for both. #MinorLeagueBaseball #SpokaneDoesntSuck
#avistastadium #spokaneindians #eugeneemeralds #sfgiants #minorleaguebaseball #spokanedoesntsuck
The jerseys are available again, I got a women’s T in my size, too. Get yer #EugeneEmeralds #ExplodingWhales shirt heah!
#eugeneemeralds #explodingwhales
DAMMIT. The #EugeneEmeralds #ExplodingWhales jersey is already sold out, and the T-shirts are almost gone, too. Guess the site got the #BoingBoing treatment.
#eugeneemeralds #explodingwhales #boingboing