(3) …”#ComputationalOrigami has been used for new designs of huge #sunshields and #telescope 🔭 lenses that have to be folded up so that they can be launched in a rocket 🚀 & then smoothly unfurled in space 💫 The videos of the prototypes unfurling are spectacular…
Sometimes #math is about practicing how to create 🤔 as much as possible starting from very little, an #idea 💡 with broad applications.” 🧠 ⚡️
#wsj #eugeniacheng #idea #math #telescope #sunshields #computationalorigami
(2) “The discipline of figuring out how to do spectacular things in constrained circumstances is particularly relevant to exploring #outerspace. 🚀
The relatively new field of computational #origami - using computer algorithms to solve the same problems as paper-folding - was pioneered in the late 20th century by #RobertLang, a physicist who combined his expertise in origami w/his work at #NASA’s #JetPropulsion Laboratory.”…
#wsj #eugeniacheng #jetpropulsion #nasa #robertlang #origami #outerspace
(1) “A lot of pure #math is less about direct applications than about developing intellectual discipline & techniques in controlled circumstances.
Working out how to do things under severe #limitations engages our #creativity & can be a very satisfying #exercise.
Think of playing #golf: It would be much easier to get the ball into the hole by picking it up & carrying it there, but it would be much less interesting.” ⛳️
#wsj #eugeniacheng #golf #exercise #creativity #limitations #math
Potser combinar la lògica i les emocions ens ajudi a convertir-nos en éssers més racionals, a no deixar-nos caure en determinades trampes i a viure de manera més plena. #EugeniaCheng