I have been caught up with a #sealioning attack on #globalwarming involving the work of #EuniceFoote
I think The Royal Society can be trusted.
#sealioning #globalwarming #eunicefoote
Today is Eunice Foote's birthday! She was the first person to demonstrate that CO2 and water vapour absorbed more heat than the atmosphere of the time - in the 1850s! I wonder what she'd think of the climate crisis...
#climatecrisis #womeninstem #eunicefoote #climatechange
This history of #EuniceFoote was very good, but I'm curious about how the lab recreation of the glass tube experiment worked, given glass is opaque to infra-red, unlike Tyndall's rock salt.
Is CO₂ warming in containers down to reduced convection? Bell (2019) https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b01057
Ortiz & Jackson (2020) aren't clear about why it works:
#eunicefoote #climatephysics #historyofscience
The Forgotten Breakthrough of a #FemaleScientist | ARTE.tv Documentary https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=jvzXcmUkS6M&local=true
In the United States, the city of #Troy has been a place of industrial innovation for more than a hundred years, thanks to its proximity to the Hudson River. In the 19th century, it was a #science hub. It was there that scientist #EuniceFoote discovered the existence of #greenhouse gases - without her, we would never have understood climate change.
#greenhouse #eunicefoote #science #troy #femalescientist
🧵 Algunos mitos y malentendidos sobre Eunice Foote y su obra científica.
Hoy es #11F , día de la mujer y la niña en la ciencia. Voy a dedicar un hilo a #EuniceFoote matizando algunos falsos mitos que se han establecido sobre su obra científica, pionera por muchas razones, pero no por las que normalmente se le atribuyen.
Aunque se han popularizado algunas imágenes de Foote, lo cierto es que todavía no se ha confirmado ninguna foto o retrato.
On #InternationalDayOfWomenAndGirlsInScience,...
"Happy 200th birthday to Eunice Foote, hidden climate science pioneer"
#internationaldayofwomenandgirlsinscience #womeninscience #women #science #eunicefoote
En el Día Internacional contra el Cambio Climático, la historia de la primera científica que descubrió el "efecto invernadero"... hace más de 150 años: Eunice Foote 👩🔬🌎 #eunicefoote #cambioclimatico #cientifica #efectoinvernadero
#eunicefoote #cambioclimatico #cientifica #efectoinvernadero