The term ( or #phrase or #language) “sex work” / “sex worker” whitewashes economic constraints, family ruptures and sordid circumstances. A discussion about #euphemisms for prostitution and human trafficking. #linguistics #rhetoric
#rhetoric #linguistics #euphemisms #language #phrase
The Delicacy of Captain Grose: Jonathon Green on the excised notes of a slang lexicographer
#slang #lexicography #euphemisms #francisgrose
17th century slang expressions for sex included ‘play at rumpscuttle and clapperdepouch’, ‘play at pork and fish’, ‘feed the ugly pony a fat carrot’, ‘enjoy a game of low archery’, and ‘introduce Lady Wyedon to the charcuterie board’.
#english #language #slang #euphemisms #history #17thcentury #sex #QI #notQI
#english #language #slang #euphemisms #history #17thcentury #sex #qi #notqi
LATCHKEY INCONTINENCE is the sudden need to urinate as soon as you get home.
LATCHKEY EJACULATION is the hurried orgasm achieved upon hearing your partner’s key in the door sooner than anticipated.
#phrases #words #slang #euphemisms #latchkey #doors #locks #urgent #urgency
#phrases #words #slang #euphemisms #latchkey #doors #locks #urgent #urgency
Word of the Day: SWING-SWANG (19th century) — a pendulous appendage; a baby’s arm; a flesh baguette; a long John Thomas; the baker’s emergency rolling-pin; the right honourable member for Crotch & Knee; a great big cock.
#wordoftheday #dictionary #slang #euphemisms #meatpendulum
" 'Doodly-squat' might seem like a mild topic for Strong Language, but there's a lot going on under the surface of that frivolous-sounding word."
@bgzimmer on the origins of a scatological euphemism:
#language #slang #lyrics #euphemisms #linguistics #AAVE #BillyEmerson #BoDiddley
#language #slang #lyrics #euphemisms #linguistics #aave #billyemerson #BoDiddley
In many languages, the word for "bear" is descriptive because people were superstitious about saying the actual name. Translations:
Welsh: honey-pig
Irish: the good calf
Lithuanian: the licker
Russian: one who leads to honey
Germanic: the brown one
#etymology #linguistics #bears #euphemisms #superstition
#Twitch #Streamer Immediately Denied From #Bank After Accidentally Applying As An #AdultEntertainer — Variety streamer #Poopernoodle learned about #euphemisms the hard way
#euphemisms #poopernoodle #adultentertainer #bank #streamer #Twitch
rapid unscheduled
disassembly- her cat thought
as the tulips fell
#bloweduprealgood #Cats #euphemisms #Haiku
Euphemisms and the English language.
#Canada #language #Saskatchewan #Euphemisms
#euphemisms #saskatchewan #language #Canada
The terms #advertising & #commercial are really just #euphemisms for #CapitalistPropaganda. You’ve literally been #programmed over the years to think you have rights without duties, and by extension, that the elite have rights without duties as well. But, you don’t really have the same “rights” as #billionaires. Do you? And #capitalism is founded on #social #contract. We give the elite the “right” to accumulate #fortunes that allow for #production at #scale. In return, they do their “duty” and ensure that #productivity is #invested in a manner that benefits the masses giving them the right to be rich. Otherwise: #guillotines. Right?
#advertising #commercial #euphemisms #CapitalistPropaganda #programmed #billionaires #capitalism #social #contract #fortunes #production #scale #productivity #invested #guillotines
"George Carlin on Euphemisms" - YouTube
#GeorgeCarlin #Euphemisms #StandupComedy
#standupcomedy #euphemisms #georgecarlin
#mortality #death | An update of my blog article examining the use of #euphemisms to avoid saying that a person had died:
Just a note on the widespread use of #euphemisms in media messaging:
When #dictatorships talk about "security forces" or "national security" it is invariably about the regime's own need to secure its hold on power by keeping the subjects down.
I'm not sure I understand why they're so popular. Out of politeness to the dictators? To avoid harming... business links?
#euphemisms #dictatorships #iran #china #burma #authoritarianism
Please don't overuse #euphemisms, because they bypass people's #filters.
Example: I no longer care about #Twitter, so I'm #blocking twitter and adding as many euphemisms as I can think of without causing collateral damage to my feed.
#euphemisms #filters #twitter #blocking #etiquette
#mortality #euphemisms How to describe a #death:
Learn #euphemisms for #pedophilia. They're not all #nepiophiles, you know?
🚼 #MAP
#euphemisms #pedophilia #nepiophiles #map
Last episode we heard a doctor call the appropriate body part a 'dick'. Adam did not like it. Doctors should not say this. He prefers the word 'penis'. What is your viewpoint? Are euphemisms better? Is Latin a more suitable language than English? #language #euphemisms