Un peu d’humidité !
#plantsofinstagram #plant #grass #botanical #gardening #tropical #plantlover #iloveplants #exoticplants #exotic #greenplant #photo #photography #photographie #naturephotography #photographylovers #poetry #euphorbia #euphorbe #iphone7photography #iphone7
#plantsofinstagram #plant #grass #botanical #gardening #tropical #plantlover #iloveplants #exoticplants #exotic #greenplant #photo #photography #photographie #naturephotography #photographylovers #poetry #euphorbia #euphorbe #iphone7photography #iphone7
Today on 'why weeds matter', we meet the Red Euphorbia (Euphorbia hirta).
Native to America, this innocuous little herb of seasonally dry habitats, is commonly encountered as a garden weed, or growing by the side of a road, where it is seldom given a second look.
But look closer here, and you will see a gaggle of native (Hemipteran) bugs feeding on the super tiny flowers.
#botany #weeds #WeedsAreFlowersToo #wildlife #weedsandwildflowers #naturalhistory #euphorbia
#botany #weeds #WeedsAreFlowersToo #wildlife #weedsandwildflowers #naturalhistory #euphorbia
Two more plants that I missed when I did to the collages earlier:
- Dioscorea Elephantipes (another second attempt)
- Ceropegia Woodii Variegata or Variegated Chain of Hearts (having another attempt at that one too)
#echeveria #graptoveria #euphorbia #plectranthus #plants #succulents #SucculentsOfMastodon #SucculentsOfTheFediverse #Gardening #GardeningAU #GardeningAustralia
#echeveria #graptoveria #euphorbia #plectranthus #plants #succulents #succulentsofmastodon #succulentsofthefediverse #gardening #gardeningau #GardeningAustralia
This week’s, and some from last week, #PlantMail potted up. It was an epic effort Duane over two sessions with a break in beaten and will be my last for a while unless I win lotto without buying a ticket!
The newbies this week are:
- Echeveria Madiba Bumps (my 1st on died so this is my last attempt)
- Echeveria Culibra
- Echeveria Highlander (long been on the wishlist and officially my most expensive plant)
- Echeveria Gibbiflora Carunculata
- Echeveria Violacina (a seasonal bumpy)
- Echeveria White Rose
- Euphorbia Obesa (I’ve wanted one for ages)
- Echeveria Potosina
- Echeveria Pink Bluebird
- Graptoveria Paraguayense Bernalese
- Plectranthus Tormentosa (Vicks plant - smells like Vicks Vaporub)
- Echeveria Low (maybe, it was a free gift)
#echeveria #graptoveria #euphorbia #plectranthus #plants #succulents #SucculentsOfMastodon #SucculentsOfTheFediverse #Gardening #GardeningAU #GardeningAustralia
#plantmail #echeveria #graptoveria #euphorbia #plectranthus #plants #succulents #succulentsofmastodon #succulentsofthefediverse #gardening #gardeningau #GardeningAustralia
This week’s #PlantMail potted up. I also repotted my Echeveria Benimusume, which I posted earlier. That one I’d been dreading doing.
Then we went for a drive around town to charge my car battery, which keeps dying, and of course stopped for the requisite Saturday Bunnings sausage sanga.
- Graptoveria Pink Rose was love at first sight.
- Euphorbia Lactea Cristata looks much less variegated than in the sales photo so I’ve left the “Variegata” out of the name.
- Echeveria Madiba was leaf grown from one with bumps (not by me) but not really showing any true signs of bumps at this stage.
#Graptoveria #Euphorbia #Echeveria #Succulents #SucculentSaturday #Plants #SucculentsOfTheFediverse #SucculentsOfMastodon #Gardening #GardeningAU #GardeningAustralia #Today
#plantmail #graptoveria #euphorbia #echeveria #succulents #succulentsaturday #plants #succulentsofthefediverse #succulentsofmastodon #gardening #gardeningau #GardeningAustralia #today
The Euphorbia Myrsinites or Donkey Spurge or Tail, is a sprawling, evergreen, succulent. The grey blue spiraling leaves and the chartreuse yellow flower cluster is quite attractive in the garden as groundcover.
Available here with #FreeShipping
#euphorbia #flowers #MastoFlowers #FlowersOfMastodon #plants #garden #gardening #nature #succulent #BuyIntoArt #nature #photography #FediGiftShop #wallart #FlowerFriday #MastoPhoto #macro
#freeshipping #euphorbia #flowers #Mastoflowers #FlowersOfMastodon #plants #garden #gardening #nature #succulent #BuyIntoArt #photography #fedigiftshop #wallart #flowerfriday #mastophoto #macro
Aecidium euphorbiae ex Euphorbia cyparissias
#Euphorbiacyparissias #Euphorbia #Zypressenwolfsmilch #cypressspurge #rust #rustfungus #rostpilz #rost #Aecidium #Aecidiumeuphorbiae #Euphorbepetitcyprès #mushroom #mushrooms #fungus #fungi #pilz #pilze #champignons #champignon #natur
#euphorbiacyparissias #euphorbia #zypressenwolfsmilch #cypressspurge #rust #rustfungus #rostpilz #rost #aecidium #aecidiumeuphorbiae #euphorbepetitcypres #mushroom #mushrooms #fungus #fungi #pilz #pilze #champignons #champignon #natur
#Euphorbia characias ssp wulfenii, Wulfen's #Spurge. This grows all over Vancouver - it's drought tolerant, evergreen, and rugged. The flowers smell like rotting meat to attract flies, as here.
#garden #gardening #flowers #horticulture #photography
Alt: 3 views of the flower clusters, large groups of dramatic yellow-green against cool blue-green foliage. Each floret has three tiny buds that open, sequentially, into acid-yellow flowers.
#Photography #horticulture #Flowers #Gardening #garden #spurge #euphorbia
Uromyces scutellatus on Euphorbia cyparissias
#Uromycesscutellatus #Uromyces #Euphorbiacyparissias #Euphorbia #Rostpilz #Rost #rust #rustfungus #rustfungi #gleisparkfrintrop #essen #mushroom #mushrooms #fungus #fungi #pilz #pilze #champignons #champignon #nature #natur
#uromycesscutellatus #uromyces #euphorbiacyparissias #euphorbia #rostpilz #rost #rust #rustfungus #rustfungi #gleisparkfrintrop #essen #mushroom #mushrooms #fungus #fungi #pilz #pilze #champignons #champignon #nature #natur
Hello from the garden!
Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae (Wood spurge) in a shady part of the garden.
#euphorbia #euphorbiaamygdaloides #woodspurge #shadeloving #plantsforshade #artistsgarden #garden #gardener #gardening #gardenphotography #artist #wolfkettler #photographyartist #photography
#gardenwiltshire #wiltshiregarden #wiltshire #permaculture
#euphorbia #euphorbiaamygdaloides #woodspurge #shadeloving #plantsforshade #artistsgarden #garden #gardener #gardening #gardenphotography #artist #wolfkettler #photographyartist #photography #gardenwiltshire #wiltshiregarden #Wiltshire #permaculture
Euphorbia characias
#butterbaumkiel #euphorbia #plants #pflanzen
Euphorbia sp. (?) blooming in the rain in Whittier, California.
#euphorbia #whittiercalifornia #rain #RainyDay #floweringplants
This big-ass succulent near 50th Street and Kansas Ave in Los Angeles looks like a cactus but it's actually some kind of Euphorbia. It's possible to see this any time because euphorbias don't have spines like cactuses, but the difference is especially clear when they're flowering, which this sweetie pie is doing and how!
Euphorbia flowers are really distinct and so are cactus flowers and they look nothing like each other. And there were so many bees!.
#streetsucculents #losangeles #euphorbia #cactus #ConvergentEvolution #50thstreet #kansasavenue #flowers #floweringplants
Euphorbia canariensis es una especie de planta con flores de la familia Euphorbiaceae. Es originaria de las Islas Canarias y se la conoce comúnmente como "Cardón canario". Es un arbusto de hoja perenne que puede crecer hasta 3-4 metros de altura y es conocido por sus hojas de color verde brillante y sus flores de color amarillo verdoso. Es una planta ornamental popular y se usa a menudo como seto o pantalla. Sin embargo, también se considera una maleza en algunas áreas. A pesar de su nombre, no es un verdadero cactus, sino un miembro de la familia de plantas Agavaceae. Como otras especies de cactus, se adapta a condiciones áridas y requiere suelo bien drenado y poca agua. Quieres saber más acerca de esta especie pasaste por desertcityoficial y comprueba esta Maravilla de la fauna española
#cactus #nature #cactuslover #green
#photooftheday #flowers #plantas #plantslover #suculentas #botanica #asociacionacua #cactusespaña #cactusmadrid #acualover #acualovers #euphorbia
#cactus #nature #cactuslover #green #photooftheday #flowers #plantas #plantslover #suculentas #botanica #asociacionacua #cactusespana #cactusmadrid #acualover #acualovers #euphorbia
Day 26…a jolt of #JanuaryJoy…
euphorbias & hydrangea…
#FlowerPhotography #flowers #color #euphorbia #hydrangea #gardens #texture
#januaryjoy #flowerphotography #flowers #color #euphorbia #hydrangea #gardens #texture
Good morning #sundayyellow #flowerphotography #euphorbia
#sundayyellow #flowerphotography #euphorbia
https://patriciaemersonmitchell.com/2022/12/27/good-morning-world-19/ <— a rather lengthy post on my photo site. Kinda rare for me to do that!
And then this:
Yellow, Green, & Red Euphorbia, 3.6.20
#euphorbia #spurge #flora #nature #gardens #flowers #MacroPhotography #CanonCamera #photography
#euphorbia #spurge #flora #nature #gardens #flowers #macrophotography #CanonCamera #photography
I got a few new pots for Christmas this year and I’m especially delighted by the way my euphorbia looks in this one! Don’t tell my other euphorbias but this one might actually be my favorite. Bonus sempervivum from my backyard too 😍
#euphorbia #houseplants #plants
Instead of a bouquet at this evening’s #concert I received a gorgeously enormous #cuetlaxōchitl (Euphorbia pulcherrima). It was a chilly post-performance trek, so I hope a bit of TLC in a warm space will encourage it to maintain its happy vibrancy.
#singer #soprano #happyholidays #happyyule #euphorbia #euphorbiapulcherrima
#concert #cuetlaxochitl #singer #soprano #happyholidays #HappyYule #euphorbia #euphorbiapulcherrima