RT Latvijas Radio Ziņas
"Mums ir jārunā arī spēka valodā. Mēs [Eiropas Savienība] neesam militāra alianse, taču esam pielikuši neticamas pūles, lai piegādātu Ukrainai ieročus,” norādīja Žuzeps Borels, Eiropas Savienības augstais pārstāvis ārlietās.
https://www.lsm.lv/raksts/zinas/arzemes/30.06.2023-borels-eiropas-savieniba-nav-militara-alianse-bet-daliba-es-sniedz-specigas-drosibas-garantijas.a514854/ https://t.co/Qdm38HCie1
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LRZinas/status/1674667348706447360
RT @EuranetPlus: Anticipation mounts as #EU prepares to present its long-awaited package of #reforms to the #PharmaLegislation and that on #medicines for #children and #rarediseases in a context of severe #medicineshortages.
Find out more➡️https://t.co/RkkvxDukQ7
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/peterliese/status/1649407882306236418
#EU #reforms #PharmaLegislation #medicines #children #RareDiseases #medicineshortages #EUnews #Europe #euranetplus
RT @EuranetPlus: #EP plenary votes on text supporting the development of the EU's defence capabilities to strengthen its geopolitical role - including an armed #EU Rapid Deployment Capability @javilopezEU. What exactly is it and will it be enough? Check out our🎧podcast & 📰article ⬇️#EuranetPlus
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/javilopezEU/status/1648627889607254016
.@MBrethous analyses the shift in the #EUdefence policy since the start of the war in Ukraine in @EuranetPlus podcast 👇🎙️
RT @EuranetPlus: What is the #EU’s common vision for the future of its #defence and #security policy? Brussels will have to work hard to come up with solutions that will break down #resistance and scepticism...
➡️ https://euranetplus-inside.eu/what-vision-for-europes-defence-and-security-policy/
#europe #miltary #NATO #EuranetPlus #voicesfrombrussels
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ISS/status/1632695229412253697
#EUDefence #EU #defence #security #resistance #Europe #miltary #nato #euranetplus #voicesfrombrussels
RT @EuranetPlus: Equal pay for equal work 👩💼👨💼
♀️♂️ Working women in the #EU earn on average 13% less per hour than men. Find out how this #GenderPayGap is calculated and the reasons behind it. 👇
#salary #genderequality #workingwomen #workingmen #equalpay #EuropeanParliament #EuranetPlus
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ElenaKountoura/status/1628074788391460864
#EU #GenderPayGap #salary #GenderEquality #workingwomen #workingmen #EqualPay #EuropeanParliament #euranetplus
RT @Radio_Si: EU MINUTA: Ali veste, da so v veljavi nova evropska pravila o usklajevanju poklicnega in zasebnega življenja staršev in oskrbovalcev? Več o tem povemo v današnji #euminuta ob 11. 50 uri, prisluhnite!
#euranetplus Foto: Evropska unija 2022
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EKvSloveniji/status/1555482317610696705