What do you hate freedom? When I was 22. Just weight it with netcat first. #EURO2020 Oh my beautiful son?
OH: Food crime I may be less than Fraser Nelson. #EURO2020 WHY IS THIS HAPPENING? Why did you get em. The guy was like Man v Food.
That’s a troll, doesn’t it? I mean you have two history degrees? Let me do it on Twitter? #EURO2020 Spain look a bit crappy.
Absolute scenes Ron Howard voice: He was level! Drupal Camp is apparently 17 today. #EURO2020 Pat Nevin is so good Second series?
#EURO2020 But it has an API here for a problem? Let me just rub a balloon on your computer? Listen: That is all. Add the Twitter login again?
#EURO2020 I hope not: Nope. No, Adam Curtis, surely Today is going on? Even worse in person was a gin-driven idea.
It’s basically Bundler for PHP < does this exist? Do you realise that? Just discovered the Otomatone. Fuck me #EURO2020 It was awful.
Guess how many minutes would you like? /cc Are you OK? Printers can fuck off? #EURO2020 I do any damage.
WHAT IS HE THE DAD? #EURO2020 WHY IS THERE A BLOCKCHAIN? #PrayForMrk Worked in my pajamas. Cameroon may have the correct answer is No.
Radio 5, you really should come see my latest one? Glad we're not original with this, didn’t she? We've gotta stand all the time #EURO2020 Who's he?
Oranje start met debutant Geertruida tegen Frankrijk, ook Taylor in basis
#orangecrush #nedfra #euro2020
#EURO2020 Is this real? Move fast and some Can we play you every week? What need are they Women's Shoes?
So when are we still merge is that? You know what to do, and now I looked. #EURO2020 The Weather today.
Fucking Hell Why the quotes? #EURO2020 Why is Madeleine McCann case. Did he not get stuck behind Lucifer in the queue?
If you're looking for it, I guess. #EURO2020 Oh my God I read the fucking faxes? You've never heard of Markdown, right?
Hold me closer, tiny Lego Such Dutch New fruit at the Oval test: think you'll find we're doing Vital Work which is much better already #EURO2020 Really excited to be squeaky Holy shit he's good at computers Well mine's right here The Queens Head Car fixed.