This is what a country that gets its information about what the #EU does, what its role in our #European lives is and what #freedomofmovement really means from Boris Johnson's Torygraph columns, TVP, Berlusconi's rags or Axel #Springer 's Politico Europe (#EuroBILD) looks like:
#EU #Brexit #eupol #eupolitics
“I voted for Brexit because I thought it was actually going to make it easier for me to buy a home and live in the Med"
#eu #european #freedomofmovement #springer #eurobild #Brexit #eupol #eupolitics
Axel Springer's #EuroBILD can't be THIS desperate for clicks, can it?
#eurobild #eu #ue #EuropeanUnion #eupol #ThierryBreton
The spectacle of seeing grownarse adults acting like high school beauty pageant contestants ranked by Mathias Döpfner's #EuroBILD is the cringiest Brussels moment of the year. 🤭
Shout out to @euractiv for posting through the months in which we were too lazy to stick around. See? You don't need to give Axel Springer clicks and euros. #euractiv #EU #EUnews #EuroBILD #dontclickonpolitico
(OK, the unironic use of hashtags might take some getting used to)
#Euractiv #eu #EUNews #eurobild #dontclickonpolitico
Shout out to @euractiv for posting through the months in which we were too lazy to stick around. See? You don't need to give Axel Springer clicks and euros. #euractiv #EU #EUnews #EuroBILD #dontclickonpolitico
(OK, the unironic use of hashtags might take some getting used to)
#dontclickonpolitico #eurobild #EUNews #EU #euractiv