It always strikes me how the #ISO standard #language designations belie some lack of understanding of cultures that weren't brought in for them.
Like, the abbreviation for #한국 / #한글 (#Hangug / #Hangul) is "KO", for "#Korean", when that's not what the language is called by native speakers, nor is it really even a word in that language. I think the best one would have been "HG", but these people never asked someone who even knew a bit of the language.
Meanwhile, they correctly labeled #Deutsch as "DE", and not "#German", which is good because "German" is not a word in Deutsch and many people from Deutschland don't know English and might legitimately not know what it refers to.
It just feels like we're dealing with inconsistencies caused by legacy #eurocentrism when we use these old designations for modern technology: I'm coding a website in #HTML that I want to have options for EN, DE, ES, and KO, and that's super weird when you've learned enough of all four to know the reality.
#iso #language #한국 #한글 #hangug #hangul #korean #deutsch #german #eurocentrism #html
and the #FutureHistories #Podcast Episode from this week
S02E49 - Elisa Loncón Antileo on Plurinational Constitutionalism
#ElisaLoncon, #Interview, #JanGroos, #FutureHistories, #FutureHistoriesInternational, #Constitution, #Plurinationalism, #Nation, #State, #CollectiveRights, #Individualism, #MotherNature, #Mapuche, #IndigenousKnowledge, #Epistemology, #Eurocentrism, #Plurality, #Colonialism, #Coloniality, #DecolonialTheories, #Plurilingualism, #RightForNature, #WomensRights
Transcripts can be found at
#womensrights #rightfornature #plurilingualism #decolonialtheories #coloniality #colonialism #plurality #eurocentrism #epistemology #indigenousknowledge #mapuche #motherNature #individualism #collectiverights #state #nation #plurinationalism #constitution #futurehistoriesinternational #jangroos #interview #elisaloncon #podcast #futurehistories
On the way back from #BeyondGrowth2023 conference I wrote a blog for #EnvironmentalPolitics journal. It's my impressions, so please take it as such. For me it was a mixture of feelings and tension btw. hope and achievement & the opposite. I write about #eurocentrism & #colonial mindset that remains unshaken.
The reflectiond of the panel 3. "Beyond Growth Beyond Europe" is missing from the blog, because I spotted it online only afterwards 😞
#beyondgrowth2023 #environmentalpolitics #eurocentrism #colonial
Sounds Like Her - Gender, Sound Art and Sonic Cultures by Christine Eyene; Cathy Lane; Salomé Voegelin
#AinBailey, #SoniaBoyce, #ChristineSunKim, #ElsaMbala, #MadeleineMbida, #LindaOKeeffe, #MagdaStawarskaBeavan, #soundart, #Africanartists, #Africanart, #Africansoundart, #genderinart, #eurocentrism, #antiblackness, #artandcolonialism, #artandimperialism, #artofCameroon, #artofKamerun
Curator Christine Eyene challenges the Eurocentric and patriarchal frameworks that have informed the history of sound art and continue to define current practice.
Sounds Like Her is a challenge to the restrictive social construct of "female voices". The book re-frames how we experience the dynamic of sound as practiced by women from diverse cultures and gender identities.
#ainbailey #soniaboyce #christinesunkim #elsambala #madeleinembida #lindaokeeffe #magdastawarskabeavan #soundart #africanartists #africanart #africansoundart #genderinart #eurocentrism #antiblackness #artandcolonialism #artandimperialism #artofcameroon #artofkamerun
#education #discrimination #deSantis #kant #universities #melville #mobydick #phallicism #hegemonism #privilege #allegory #woke #cancelculture #fascism #eurocentrism
#education #discrimination #desantis #kant #universities #Melville #mobydick #phallicism #hegemonism #privilege #allegory #woke #cancelculture #fascism #eurocentrism
#BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #Racist #Eurocentrism
"Instead, they define policies not rigged for White people as racist. Ideas not centering White lives are racist. Beleaguered White racists who can’t imagine their lives not being the focus of any movement respond to “Black Lives Matter” with “All Lives Matter.” Embattled police officers who can’t imagine losing their right to racially profile and brutalize respond with “Blue Lives Matter."
Ibram X. Kendi, from How to Be an Antiracist
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #racist #eurocentrism
This contrast shows that the global economic system is still largely governed by oppressive systems of power, including #WhiteSupremacy, #Imperialism and #Eurocentrism.
It is time for debt and climate justice!
#whitesupremacy #imperialism #eurocentrism
North vs South 🧭: Researchers find that empirical papers written by authors affiliated to institutions of the global North, using data from the countries, are less likely to include a concrete geographical reference in their titles. When authors are affiliated to global South institutions, n use evidence from global South countries, the names of the countries are more likely to be part of the article’s title:
#scientometrics #knowledge #inequalities #eurocentrism
Decolonising Central and Eastern Europe
Special special of the Central European Journal of International and Security Studies
"We are interested in contributions pertaining to the issues of #race and #racism, #gender, [...] #hierarchies, #imperialism, [...], #migration, [...] #Eurocentrism and #Orientalism."
Deadline for abstracts: 31/01/2023
#cfp #race #racism #gender #hierarchies #imperialism #migration #eurocentrism #orientalism #cee #decolonisation
The painful reality of #eurocentrism and the inferiority complex in Tunisian society explained in this candid column (in Dutch, use Google translate) by Faïrouz Ben Salah 👇🏾
I think this is a major reason why, of the disciplines in the humanities, philosophy has remained so stubbornly white and male. It does not recognize its discourses as the product of culture, with specific biases and power hierarchies. When you point it out, immediately there are defensive reactions about the importance of rationality, rejections of so-called cultural relativism. So there's no need to learn, we already have Reason. (But we're not racist.)
#philosophy #Eurocentrism #racism
#Racism #eurocentrism #philosophy
I think this is a major reason why, of the disciplines in the humanities, philosophy has remained so stubbornly white and male. It does not recognize its discourses as the product of culture, with specific biases and power hierarchies. When you point it out, immediately there are defensive reactions about the importance of rationality, rejections of so-called cultural relativism. So there's no need to learn, we already have Reason. (But we're not racist.)
#philosophy #Eurocentrism #racism
#Racism #eurocentrism #philosophy
Useful reminder. Though it is equally useful to remind readers that these #mercator projection #maps are not a reflection of #Eurocentrism: they were designed primarily for navigation purposes, thus not at all intended as a realistic representation of actual space
#mercator #maps #eurocentrism #mapping #cartography
Though it shouldn't anymore, sometimes it still amazes me how Westerners (read white people) unconsciously populate the space of their ignorance about non-European cultures with images drawn from a colonial history of racist stereotypes. They literally have no idea they're doing it. Then they're shocked if you point it out because they're very sure they're not racist.
#racism #Eurocentrism
Though it shouldn't anymore, sometimes it still amazes me how Westerners (read white people) unconsciously populate the space of their ignorance about non-European cultures with images drawn from a colonial history of racist stereotypes. They literally have no idea they're doing it. Then they're shocked if you point it out because they're very sure they're not racist.
#racism #Eurocentrism
Remember the 18th and 19th centuries? That's when the work of categorizing the peoples of the world was closely bound up with #eurocentrism and #colonialism.
Good times, amiright? (No.)
Among other things, these brought you the concepts of "Semitic peoples" and "Semitic languages."
These days, "#Semitic" is pretty much a technical term in #linguistics.
Let's talk about anti-Jewish hate speech or hate crimes, if that's really the topic at hand.
#eurocentrism #colonialism #semitic #linguistics #jewish #HateSpeech #hatecrimes #bigotry
Antipodes Islands #places #eurocentrism
Hello Neo-Colonialism, how are you doing? #monopoly #vaccincapitalism #eurocentrism
#monopoly #vaccincapitalism #eurocentrism
(2/2 en) But permanently they speak about fight religious #fundamentalism - to free the people, that they don't have to submit to the orders of the religious state. They do it by themself. Shitty #hypocrisity.
#eurocentrism #religiousFundmetalism #religion #blasphemy #germany
#germany #blasphemy #religion #religiousFundmetalism #eurocentrism #hypocrisity #fundamentalism