Le falta un toque de humor para lo que cuenta (que es bastante flojo), pero muy acertado el Gijóncore con las hortensias gigantes. Da ganas de subir al tren rumbo Asturias.
#Notassobreunverano #cine #eurocine #cinema #eurocinema #Gijón
#notassobreunverano #cine #eurocine #cinema #eurocinema #gijon
En italiano lo han traducido como #Manodopera y el cartel incluye la clásica receta de la #polenta una maravilla. 🤌
#manodopera #polenta #cine #eurocine #cinema #luxaward
Casi nunca veo #animación pero estoy ya en la tercera peli de animación francesa que veo en el #cine en los últimos meses y cada una ha resultado ser una maravilla. #ElpequeñoNicolás y El cruce de #FlorenceMiailhe son las otras dos pelis del tríptico que ayer se ha enriquecido con No se admiten perros ni italianos de #AlainUghetto
#animacion #cine #elpequenonicolas #florencemiailhe #alainughetto #cinema #eurocine
@europesays lmao, how very on brand for Lars. If you asked me to pick 1 #eurocine film director not named Bregovic who would put out an edgelord rUsSIaN liVeS MAtTeR statement, #larsvontrier would be my first answer, no notes.
Ah, y la peli perfecta para una tarde de #cine en plan refugio climático. Una versión más sexy (gabacha) del clásico cutre de los noventas, el #SlidingDoors de Gwyneth Paltrow, pero con Giuseppe #Verdi en el rol de #Aqua.
#cine #slidingdoors #verdi #aqua #cinema #eurocine
This is the second #eurocine film I've seen recently where the drama quotient would have benefitted from more #CrossborderRail problems thrown at the characters, imo. The first one was Plus que jamais, in which #VickyKrieps searches for #train tickets from Bordeaux to Norway on Ecosia, but inexplicably the #train trip itself is brief and smooth as butter.
#eurocine #CrossBorderRail #vickykrieps #train #europroblems #cine #cinema
Discovered a #eurocine roadmovie thanks to #Filmin that doesn't live up to its great first half, but you know what would fix it? More #CrossborderRail shenanigans. One of the members of the dysfunctional but lovable #NiloMayaLaura 🇸🇪 🇵🇹 family does hop on a #train from Malmö to Hamburg, but the writers really missed a trick by crossing from France to Portugal by car (seamlessly and thus with 0 conflict right where their plot stalls). Imagine the #rail drama!
#eurocine #filmin #CrossBorderRail #nilomayalaura #train #rail #cinema
Y la nominada a los premios Lux del Parlamento europeo #BurningDays otro trozo de belleza y crueldad que nos ofrece el #cine de #Turquía
Me la perdí en su breve paso por los cines cuando estrenaron las nominadas al #LuxAward pero espero verla en la filmoteca algún día porque este tipo de fotografía se disfruta mejor en una sala de cine.
#burningdays #cine #turquia #luxaward #eurocine #eurocinema
Doob-doo-doo-doo DOOHdydooDOO ❤️
#europacinemas #eurocinema #eurocine #cinema
I'm not a cartoon person, the only other animation film I remember paying to see was the excellent Flee (by Jonas Poher), but I'm so glad I went with Le petit Nicolas as the perfect counterprogramming.
The warmth and texture of its colours was fantastic. There's this shot of Goscinny walking into a snowy NYC street and it's just the most beautiful depiction of a city in winter that I've ever seen. #elpequeñonicolás #eurocine
I'm not a cartoon person, the only other animation film I remember paying to see was the excellent Flee (by Jonas Poher), but I'm so glad I went with Le petit Nicolas as the perfect counterprogramming.
The warmth and texture of its colours was fantastic. There's this shot of Goscinny walking into a snowy NYC street and it's just the most beautiful depiction of a city in winter that I've ever seen. #elpequeñonicolás #eurocine