Roma a mano armata aka Rome Armed to the Teeth (Umberto Lenzi, 1976)
#eurocult #eurocrime #poliziotteschi #cinemastodon #movies
Mean Frank and Crazy Tony (Michele Lupo, 1973) Crime/Drama ‧ Italy/France ‧ 1h 40m
#eurocrime #cinemastodon #movies #cinema
It's amazing that with so many cult seemingly now available how many wonderful movies have still not been released on DVD/Blu-Ray.
Great eurocult, eurospy and eurocrime movies like Seven Golden Men, Lightning Bolt and Golden Claws of the Cat Girl. These are fantastic movies.
#eurocult #eurospy #eurocrime #eurocultmovies #cultmovie #cultmovies #physicalmedia
#eurocult #eurospy #eurocrime #eurocultmovies #cultmovie #cultmovies #physicalmedia
Sergio Sollima's Revolver, a 1973 entry in the Italian poliziotteschi genre, with Oliver Reed as a prison governor caught in a complex web of political/criminal intrigue.
The complex plot is heavily laced with paranoia, there’s plenty of action and it gets pretty violent.
A very dark, cynical pessimistic movie. Entertaining and engrossing. A must for Oliver Reed fans.
My review:
#poliziotteschi #eurocrime #cultmovies #eurocult #OliverReed #FabioTesti #SergioSollima
#poliziotteschi #eurocrime #cultmovies #eurocult #oliverreed #fabiotesti #sergiosollima
"vicious, visceral and funny, utterly cynical and yet somehow sweet to boot": Umberto Lenzi's genre-blurring buddy polizziotesco FREE HAND FOR A TOUGH COP (IL TRUCIDO E LO SBIRRO, 1976), available on Blu-ray from Fractured Visions #Polizzioteschi #TomasMilian #Eurocrime
#polizzioteschi #tomasmilian #eurocrime
If you’re making a movie in the poliziotteschi genre could you come up with a better title than Live Like a Cop, Die Like a Man? This 1976 movie was directed by Ruggero Deodato.
It's fast and furious, incredibly stylish and very entertaining.
The opening motorcycle chase is justly famous but it’s just one of the amazing action set-pieces. The quarry shoot-out is inspired.
My review:
#poliziotteschi #RuggeroDeodato #cultmovies #eurocultmovies #eurocult #eurocrime
#poliziotteschi #ruggerodeodato #cultmovies #eurocultmovies #eurocult #eurocrime
Na stretnutí s ministrom spravodlivosti SR Karasom hovorila eurokomisárka @VeraJourova o súdnej reforme #NextGenerationEU, #eurocrime a zlepšení postavenia #LGBTIQ+ komunity.
#NextGenerationEU #eurocrime #LGBTIQ