Os jogos da semana passada:
- 'Quatermaster General: 1914' Segunda edição (Ian Brody, Ares Games e Griggling Games, Inc, 2022): um wargame singelo com combate com cartas (battle card driven) moi ben feito 👌
- 'Calimala' (Fabio Lopiano, Arrakis Games, 2018): um jogo italiano com umas mecánicas bem originais 👌
Tenho que dizer que jogo polo feito de jogar. Tenho o cérebro tão desentrenado que perdo sempre 🤣
#jogos #JogosDeMesa #TabletopGames #wargames #games #eurogames #ttgames
#jogos #jogosdemesa #tabletopgames #wargames #games #eurogames #ttgames
Klaus Teuber made Catan, and it changed the world’s expectations for board games - Enlarge / Klaus Teuber, in 2015 at a games festival in Essen, Germany. ... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1929865 #germanboardgames #settlersofcatan #gaming&culture #tabletopgames #boardgaming #klausteuber #boardgames #eurogames #features #monopoly #tabletop #catan
#catan #tabletop #monopoly #features #eurogames #boardgames #klausteuber #boardgaming #tabletopgames #gaming #settlersofcatan #germanboardgames
Tanzsport macht queere Athlet*innen "sichtbar wie keine andere Sportart". #Eurogames
Vi siete accorti che vari giochi di strategia molto amati (soprattutto i cosiddetti #Eurogames come #Catan e #PuertoRico) sono basati sull'idea di interpretare il ruolo di coloni e sfruttare le risorse di territori esotici?
Nella comunità di appassionati di giochi da tavolo se ne discute animatamente da anni, e sono sempre di più i giochi nuovi che hanno temi apertamente #anticoloniali ed #ecologisti.
Lo racconto su @ilpost 🎲👇
#eurogames #Catan #puertorico #anticoloniali #ecologisti
I’m looking for accounts that enjoy the #NHL, #NFL, #MLB. More specifically, #LAKings, #LARams, #Dodgers.
Also, I’m fairly nerdy so anyone interested in MTG, DND and board games. Not like Monopoly but more along the lines of #Catan, #EuroGames.
#nhl #nfl #mlb #lakings #larams #dodgers #catan #eurogames
It's a big game wknd for me (no, not football).
•discussing a game idea this morning with @cmich_games@twitter.com
•playing Dune rpg with virtual homies tonite
•hosting local eurogame night on Sat
•DMing virtual DnD game on Sun night
#RPGs #eurogames #educationalgaming #rttp
#rpgs #eurogames #educationalgaming #rttp
It's a big game weekend for me (and, no, I don't mean football).
•discussing a game idea this morning with CMU's Center for Learning through Games and Simulations
•playing Dune rpg with virtual homies tonight
•hosting local eurogame night on Saturday
•DMing virtual DnD game on Sunday night
#RPGs #eurogames #educationalgaming
#rpgs #eurogames #educationalgaming
Its fair to say I like boardgames, #games #eurogames #boardgames