Sir Hendrick ⚔️ · @SirHendrick
436 followers · 7102 posts · Server

🇫🇷 🥖🍷
The issue with the French uprise is that the police isn't always French. Reportedly, Macron called on , a force that a number of EU countries signed on for, riot squads that are said to commit violence with impunity.
In the Tweet you see French against the police. 🐸

#GitmoBaguette #eurogendfor #firefighters #france

Last updated 2 years ago

Anja Reul · @eule_anja
120 followers · 2448 posts · Server
Parliamo di news! · @parliamodinews
15 followers · 87552 posts · Server
Parliamo di news! · @parliamodinews
15 followers · 87552 posts · Server
Sir Hendrick ⚔️ · @SirHendrick
423 followers · 6931 posts · Server

Images from the showed one or more forces with a patch: , . This German video explains about these troops. They have the task to suppress riots after a request by one of the involved countries. is one of them. And if people get killed by them, the hosting government can say "Oh no. We did not want that. Ah well. Too bad." 🚔

#RotterdamRiots #EGF #gitmolowlands #policestate #eurogendfor

Last updated 3 years ago

Nube · @nube_despeinado
102 followers · 2733 posts · Server

Avez vous déjà entendu parler du , le Center of Excellence for Stability Police Units ? Si ce n'est pas le cas c'est dommage et vous devriez commencer à vous y intéresser car il s'agit d'une officine de l' , domiciliée à Vicenza en Italie et destinée à former des unités internationales de police militaire pour "stabiliser" la situation dans les pays en crise.....
Abrite aussi l' (en français Force de Gendarmerie Européenne, ).

#coespu #otan #eurogendfor #fge

Last updated 4 years ago